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British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

668 results from this resource . Displaying 1 to 20

Initial 'I'(n principio) with the eagle, symbol of John in a medallion, at the beginning of John. Includes John (ff. 3-14) and the Tractatus in Evangelium Iohannis of Augustine (ff. 14-231v).Perhaps written by the same scribe as Royal 5 B

inscribed, 16th/17th century: 'Philemon Holland / John Barone(?), and 'RB'.f. 125: inscribed, 16th century: 'Thomas baulle'(?) and John Dean'.f. 137: inscribed, 16th century: 'James Collard'.f. 149: inscribed, 16th century: 'Statutes April 1581' and 'John Wallsall'.f. 175: inscribed, 17th century: 'Edmund(?)

inscribed, 16th/17th century: 'Philemon Holland / John Barone(?), and 'RB'.f. 125: inscribed, 16th century: 'Thomas baulle'(?) and John Dean'.f. 137: inscribed, 16th century: 'James Collard'.f. 149: inscribed, 16th century: 'Statutes April 1581' and 'John Wallsall'.f. 175: inscribed, 17th century: 'Edmund(?)

(f. 5).Inscribed, 16th century: 'Margret Denton' (f. 66v).Inscribed 16th century: 'John St. John (f. 109v).Many 16th/17th century names written on ff. 263-263v, including: Harry Morley, Alys Morley, Alys St. John, Richard Lumley, Margret Grey, George Mordaune, Thomas Lathamm, and Anothie

(f. 5).Inscribed, 16th century: 'Margret Denton' (f. 66v).Inscribed 16th century: 'John St. John (f. 109v).Many 16th/17th century names written on ff. 263-263v, including: Harry Morley, Alys Morley, Alys St. John, Richard Lumley, Margret Grey, George Mordaune, Thomas Lathamm, and Anothie

(f. 5).Inscribed, 16th century: 'Margret Denton' (f. 66v).Inscribed 16th century: 'John St. John (f. 109v).Many 16th/17th century names written on ff. 263-263v, including: Harry Morley, Alys Morley, Alys St. John, Richard Lumley, Margret Grey, George Mordaune, Thomas Lathamm, and Anothie

(f. 5).Inscribed, 16th century: 'Margret Denton' (f. 66v).Inscribed 16th century: 'John St. John (f. 109v).Many 16th/17th century names written on ff. 263-263v, including: Harry Morley, Alys Morley, Alys St. John, Richard Lumley, Margret Grey, George Mordaune, Thomas Lathamm, and Anothie

inscribed, 16th/17th century: 'Philemon Holland / John Barone(?), and 'RB'.f. 125: inscribed, 16th century: 'Thomas baulle'(?) and John Dean'.f. 137: inscribed, 16th century: 'James Collard'.f. 149: inscribed, 16th century: 'Statutes April 1581' and 'John Wallsall'.f. 175: inscribed, 17th century: 'Edmund(?)

inscribed, 16th/17th century: 'Philemon Holland / John Barone(?), and 'RB'.f. 125: inscribed, 16th century: 'Thomas baulle'(?) and John Dean'.f. 137: inscribed, 16th century: 'James Collard'.f. 149: inscribed, 16th century: 'Statutes April 1581' and 'John Wallsall'.f. 175: inscribed, 17th century: 'Edmund(?)

the beginning of John and of the Tractatus in Evangelium Iohannis of Augustine (ff. 3, 14v). Initials in blue, green, red, or purple, some with penwork decoration and/or yellow washes (e.g., ff. 30v, 35). Gospel of John; Augustine, Tractatus in

the beginning of John and of the Tractatus in Evangelium Iohannis of Augustine (ff. 3, 14v). Initials in blue, green, red, or purple, some with penwork decoration and/or yellow washes (e.g., ff. 30v, 35). Gospel of John; Augustine, Tractatus in

Initials, rubrics and paraphs in red. This is a detached leaf from Harley 1916. Leaf from Augustine's commentary on JohnJohn Bagford (b. 1650/51, d. 1716), bookseller and antiquary: part of the Bagford fragments sold to Edward Harley after his

Peter; f. 589: John seated for I John; f. 590v: John seated with martyr’s palm?, for II John; f. 591: John seated with book for III John, and Jude standing with book, for Jude; f. 592: John seated with book,

glosses and recipes by John Dee Added alphabetical table of contents added by a later hand, with page references: later hand (ff. 4-5v, 302-302v, with additions on f. 3v) . Added prayer to Bartholomew by John Mirfield: late 14th -

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

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