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British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

845 results from this resource . Displaying 201 to 220

Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6557.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, made in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix, 70, no. 167.Charles

Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6557.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, made in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix, 70, no. 167.Charles

Highlighting of letters in red. Evangelistarium, imperfect, beginning in the Gospel for the 5th day of the 5th week of John, and ending in the menology at the 6th January. James Woodhouse (d. 1866), Treasurer-General of the Ionian Islands: No.

Highlighting of letters in red. Evangelistarium, imperfect, beginning in the Gospel for the 5th day of the 5th week of John, and ending in the menology at the 6th January. James Woodhouse (d. 1866), Treasurer-General of the Ionian Islands: No.

(index Sentences) The Dominican convent of Sudbury, Suffolk: inscription (f. 3).Very faint added text in Gothic cursive (ff. 1, 158v-162v).Inscribed 'John Mithmyng ?' (f. 1* v).Inscription 'master Hyllyard this book I doe give you to be at you one disposing

(index Sentences) The Dominican convent of Sudbury, Suffolk: inscription (f. 3).Very faint added text in Gothic cursive (ff. 1, 158v-162v).Inscribed 'John Mithmyng ?' (f. 1* v).Inscription 'master Hyllyard this book I doe give you to be at you one disposing

(index Sentences) The Dominican convent of Sudbury, Suffolk: inscription (f. 3).Very faint added text in Gothic cursive (ff. 1, 158v-162v).Inscribed 'John Mithmyng ?' (f. 1* v).Inscription 'master Hyllyard this book I doe give you to be at you one disposing

(index Sentences) The Dominican convent of Sudbury, Suffolk: inscription (f. 3).Very faint added text in Gothic cursive (ff. 1, 158v-162v).Inscribed 'John Mithmyng ?' (f. 1* v).Inscription 'master Hyllyard this book I doe give you to be at you one disposing

Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6557.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, made in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix, 70, no. 167.Charles

(d. 1720): inscribed 'William Cocke / Virginia / July 4, 1719' (f. 1); William Cocke is mentioned in John G. Kolp, ‘Holloway, John (1666?-1734), ~Oxford Dictionary of National Biography~ (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004) [, accessed 9 Jul 2007].The Harley

sancte marie vallis Dore' (f. 113).Inscribed, 15th century 'Bodduam' (f. 1). John Batteley (b. c.1646, d. 1708), Church of England clergyman and antiquary; bought in 1723 through his nephew, John Batteley, by Edward Harley, along with other manuscripts (see ~Diary~

of John. In the upper margin an inscription in the hand of Sir Simonds D'Ewes. Crossed tironian ets. Large and smaller initials in red (ff. 1-2v), two with penwork decoration in brown ink (ff. 1v, 2v). Gospel of John, with

the Martyrdom of John the Baptist and the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes, as part of a cycle of Christological images. The Veronica image is the earliest in Western art, according to Lewis 1987 p. 127.This is the earliest

designed 'E': see Marsden 1999 p. 290 and n. 25. 2 full page miniatures of Evangelist portraits of Mark and John (ff. 45v, 78v). Canon tables in frames in brown and yellow, some with animal heads (ff. 3v-7). 4 very

designed 'E': see Marsden 1999 p. 290 and n. 25. 2 full page miniatures of Evangelist portraits of Mark and John (ff. 45v, 78v). Canon tables in frames in brown and yellow, some with animal heads (ff. 3v-7). 4 very

Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6557.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, made in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix, 70, no. 167.Charles

Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6557.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, made in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix, 70, no. 167.Charles

Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6557.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, made in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix, 70, no. 167.Charles

Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6557.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, made in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix, 70, no. 167.Charles

Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6557.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, made in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix, 70, no. 167.Charles

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