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British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts icon

British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

1510 results from this resource . Displaying 1 to 20

of an historiated initial 'D'(ominica) of a portrait of a man, perhaps John the Evangelist, at the beginning of a reading for Rogation Sunday, with the text of John 16:23. 46 large historiated initials, with three-sided or partial foliate borders,

of an historiated initial 'D'(ominica) of a portrait of a man, perhaps John the Evangelist, at the beginning of a reading for Rogation Sunday, with the text of John 16:23. 46 large historiated initials, with three-sided or partial foliate borders,

initial 'D'(ominica) of a portrait of a man, perhaps John the Evangelist, with a partial bar border, at the beginning of a reading for Rogation Sunday, with the text of John 16:23. 46 large historiated initials, with three-sided or partial

historiated initial 'V'(alde) of John writing on a scroll ('S. Iohannes') with an eagle, his symbol, at his feet, with a partial bar border including a grotesque hybrid, at the reading for 27 December. 46 large historiated initials, with three-sided

historiated initial 'D' of John the Baptist, holding the Agnus Dei. 46 large historiated initials, with three-sided or partial foliate borders, in colours and gold (ff. 16v, 20v, 23v, 25v, 27v, 40, 87, 109, 121, 125v, 128, 130, 131, 136,

'V'(alde) of John writing on a scroll ('S. Iohannes') with an eagle, his symbol, at his feet, with a partial bar border including a grotesque hybrid and dragon extender, at the reading for 27 December. 46 large historiated initials, with

with interlace patterns within full-page rectangular frames of gold and red or colours at the beginning of Gospels, that for John on a purple background (ff. 15, 57, 86, 132). Initials and text entirely in gold. Numbers in red. Gospels,

Historiated initial 'U' with an angel holding a book, a knight with a shield and spear, a crouching man, and a dragon's head forming part of the letter. 2 historiated initials in colours (ff. 1, 2). Small simple initials

of Thomas, Duke of Lancaster, in March 1322 (f. 157). The last appointment of a bishop of Norwich mentioned is John Salmon (d. 1325) (f. 156v, line 14).Inscription, after 1344: note of debt for £100 by Philip and Walter de

of Thomas, Duke of Lancaster, in March 1322 (f. 157). The last appointment of a bishop of Norwich mentioned is John Salmon (d. 1325) (f. 156v, line 14).Inscription, after 1344: note of debt for £100 by Philip and Walter de

of Thomas, Duke of Lancaster, in March 1322 (f. 157). The last appointment of a bishop of Norwich mentioned is John Salmon (d. 1325) (f. 156v, line 14).Inscription, after 1344: note of debt for £100 by Philip and Walter de

of Thomas, Duke of Lancaster, in March 1322 (f. 157). The last appointment of a bishop of Norwich mentioned is John Salmon (d. 1325) (f. 156v, line 14).Inscription, after 1344: note of debt for £100 by Philip and Walter de

of Thomas, Duke of Lancaster, in March 1322 (f. 157). The last appointment of a bishop of Norwich mentioned is John Salmon (d. 1325) (f. 156v, line 14).Inscription, after 1344: note of debt for £100 by Philip and Walter de

of Thomas, Duke of Lancaster, in March 1322 (f. 157). The last appointment of a bishop of Norwich mentioned is John Salmon (d. 1325) (f. 156v, line 14).Inscription, after 1344: note of debt for £100 by Philip and Walter de

of Thomas, Duke of Lancaster, in March 1322 (f. 157). The last appointment of a bishop of Norwich mentioned is John Salmon (d. 1325) (f. 156v, line 14).Inscription, after 1344: note of debt for £100 by Philip and Walter de

of Thomas, Duke of Lancaster, in March 1322 (f. 157). The last appointment of a bishop of Norwich mentioned is John Salmon (d. 1325) (f. 156v, line 14).Inscription, after 1344: note of debt for £100 by Philip and Walter de

of Thomas, Duke of Lancaster, in March 1322 (f. 157). The last appointment of a bishop of Norwich mentioned is John Salmon (d. 1325) (f. 156v, line 14).Inscription, after 1344: note of debt for £100 by Philip and Walter de

of Thomas, Duke of Lancaster, in March 1322 (f. 157). The last appointment of a bishop of Norwich mentioned is John Salmon (d. 1325) (f. 156v, line 14).Inscription, after 1344: note of debt for £100 by Philip and Walter de

of Thomas, Duke of Lancaster, in March 1322 (f. 157). The last appointment of a bishop of Norwich mentioned is John Salmon (d. 1325) (f. 156v, line 14).Inscription, after 1344: note of debt for £100 by Philip and Walter de

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