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British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

410 results from this resource . Displaying 361 to 380

awe-struck apostles praising Christ as the Son of God, in a visualization of John 21:7. Includes one of the earliest surviving drawing of the martyrdom of Becket: see discussion Kauffmann 1975.f. 51 is a replacement page, with text in a

by N. R. Ker, 2nd edn, Royal Historical Society Guides and Handbooks, 3 (London: Royal Historical Society, 1964), p. 215.? John Browne, fellow of University College, Oxford: 'Jo: Browne hunc Librum / Jure tenet', 17th century (f. 1).Charles Burney (b.

by N. R. Ker, 2nd edn, Royal Historical Society Guides and Handbooks, 3 (London: Royal Historical Society, 1964), p. 215.? John Browne, fellow of University College, Oxford: 'Jo: Browne hunc Librum / Jure tenet', 17th century (f. 1).Charles Burney (b.

by N. R. Ker, 2nd edn, Royal Historical Society Guides and Handbooks, 3 (London: Royal Historical Society, 1964), p. 215.? John Browne, fellow of University College, Oxford: 'Jo: Browne hunc Librum / Jure tenet', 17th century (f. 1).Charles Burney (b.

machinarum (ff. 9v-16) Written in 1545: colophon ( f. 358).The monastery of St Catherine, Mount Sinai: inscription (f. 1). ? John Spencer Smith, minister plenipotentiary to Turkey: sale catalogue notices that the manuscript was 'collected by one of His Majesty's

Guthlac, Oswin, etc. (ff. 78-93v, 94-96v); verses added in some margins (e.g. ff. 50v, 68v) are headed 'Abb. Iohis', presumably John de Cella, abbot of St Albans from 1195 to 1214.Robert Outing(?), 15th century: inscribed 'Thes bok be delyveryd unto

century.Unidentified owner, 15th century: inscription (f. 232).Foliated in red pencil, in the manner of Matthew Parker (b. 1504, d. 1575), John Parker (b. 1548, d. 1619), and others; annotated in English and Latin (e.g. ff. 113v, 159), and Greek (f.

Guthlac, Oswin, etc. (ff. 78-93v, 94-96v); verses added in some margins (e.g. ff. 50v, 68v) are headed 'Abb. Iohis', presumably John de Cella, abbot of St Albans from 1195 to 1214.Robert Outing(?), 15th century: inscribed 'Thes bok be delyveryd unto

Prologue to Joshua (recto) and the end of Deuteronomy 34:1-6 (verso); from the same Bible as Sloane 1044, ff. 76-77 John Bagford: inscribed, probably by Frederic Madden, that this is 'A portion of Bagford's collection F. M.' (f. [iii]).Sir Hans

of Jacques Lefèvre Written by Peter Meghen of 's-Hertogenbosch of the diocese of Liège (b. c.1466/1467, d. 1540), scribe of John Colet, Dean of St. Paul Cathedral, London: written in his hand (see Trapp, 1975, pp. 89-90): inscribed 'Petrus monoculus',

of Jacques Lefèvre Written by Peter Meghen of 's-Hertogenbosch of the diocese of Liège (b. c.1466/1467, d. 1540), scribe of John Colet, Dean of St. Paul Cathedral, London: written in his hand (see Trapp, 1975, pp. 89-90): inscribed 'Petrus monoculus',

of Jacques Lefèvre Written by Peter Meghen of 's-Hertogenbosch of the diocese of Liège (b. c.1466/1467, d. 1540), scribe of John Colet, Dean of St. Paul Cathedral, London: written in his hand (see Trapp, 1975, pp. 89-90): inscribed 'Petrus monoculus',

Detail of an historiated initial 'P'(aulus) of Paul sitting at a desk and writing his Epistle, at the beginning of Romans. Includes Romans and 1-2 Corinthians; originally contained probably the complete work, or at least Galatians, as suggested by

section VI (ff. 101). Psalms in verses of the Holy Spirit, Virgin, and Holy Cross with poems and prayers ? John Theyer (bap. 1598, d. 1673), antiquary: his monogram (f. 1); if so, passed to Robert Scott.Robert Scott (b. c.

of c. 1503 by Claude de Seyssel, translated, according to his prologue (ff. 10-15), from the Latin version of John Lascaris of the Greek text from a manuscript in the French royal library at Blois brought by Charles VIII from

1503 by Claude de Seyssel, translated, according to his prologue (ff. 10-15), from the Latin version of John Lascaris of the Greek text from a manuscript in the French royal library at Blois brought by Charles VIII from Naples.The manuscript

translation of c. 1503 by Claude de Seyssel, translated, according to his prologue (ff. 10-15), from the Latin version of John Lascaris of the Greek text from a manuscript in the French royal library at Blois brought by Charles VIII

translation of c. 1503 by Claude de Seyssel, translated, according to his prologue (ff. 10-15), from the Latin version of John Lascaris of the Greek text from a manuscript in the French royal library at Blois brought by Charles VIII

translation of c. 1503 by Claude de Seyssel, translated, according to his prologue (ff. 10-15), from the Latin version of John Lascaris of the Greek text from a manuscript in the French royal library at Blois brought by Charles VIII

1503 by Claude de Seyssel, translated, according to his prologue (ff. 10-15), from the Latin version of John Lascaris of the Greek text from a manuscript in the French royal library at Blois brought by Charles VIII from Naples.The manuscript

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