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Manuscripts of the West Midlands

77 results from this resource . Displaying 61 to 77

focle', ' John Peyntor ', fifteenth/sixteenth century. F. 86v ' John ?Games ' sixteenth century. F. 89v ' Elynor vaughan ' sixteenth/seventeenth century. F. 100r ' John ?perf of Bredwardiny [Bredwardine ] ' sixteenth century. F. 105r 'John Games' sixteenth

ff. 1r-2v John Trevisa 'Dialogus inter dominum et clericum'. 'Seþthe þat babyl was ybuld'. 'hys godhede & manhede. Explicit dialogus'. English preface on translation prefixed to Trevisa's translation. Printed in Waldron 1988, pp. 289-294. Perry 1924. f. 2v John Trevisa

1500, ' iohn baker owe this boke wytnes iohn fuller edmund baker damyd'; John Baker's name also appears on ff. 33, 41v, 48v, 52v, 53v, 57v. John Wood ' in a sixteenth-century hand on ff. 34v, 86. On f. 59r,

of the Prick of Conscience now kept as Manchester, John Rylands Library, Eng. MS 90 ( olim Asburnham 136) with which it once formed one manuscript. On f. 1v of Manchester, John Rylands Library, Eng. MS 90 is 'Iste sunt

Harley 1260, f. 166r. f. 69r-v Indulgence of Clement V for the gospel (curus evangelii) of St. John Latin ff. 69v-70r Indulgence of John XXII (1317) for the psalter of St. Mary. Latin ff. 70v-71r Memoriale for St. Mary 'De

in red. Two-line blue initials with red penwork flourishing extending down the left margin. Not medieval. ff. 75 'Written by John Watson' appears on the first fly-leaf. Good Unknown The second flyleaf carries the inscription '1819 White Knights Library 1450'.

and Benskin 1986, p. 196). A manuscript containing religious tracts inluding the Memoriale Credencium , work by a follower of John Wyclif, and the Fifteen Oes among others. ff. 1r-69r Memoriale Credencium (IPMEP 448 ) 'Man & woman þat wylneþ

blank, a later hand on f. 17v has transcribed the opening of the treatise appearing on f. 18r. ff. 18r-53r John Lelamour Herbal/Treatise of Macer (IPMEP 459 ) 'Here followeth the konnyng and sage clerk marcer'. 'Ingworte or moderworte is

kyngys of coleyne primo die Januare anno domini millesimo ccccxlij'. English prose abridgement of the Historia SS. Trium Regum of John of Hildesheim, c. 1400. The text is collated and described in Horstmann 1886. ff. 216ra-255ra Titus and Vespasian (IMEV

horder emebat...'. This inscription is in same hand as that of the scribe. Folio 1r - contemporary ownership inscription of John Horder: 'Hunc librum & librum vocatum gracia dei qui est in custodia willielmi carenti habeant abbatissa & conventus shaftoniensis

; f. 68v (eighteenth century) - Nicholas Berbour ; f. 111v (nineteenth century) - Edward Burbecke , Jane Lawson , John Empson ; ff. 108r-109r - recipes in the hand of Nicholas Watson , surgeon to Sir William Hylton ,

in the generous margins. Good Unknown F. 7r - scribbles in a fifteenth/sixteenth-century hand with the name ?'Iohannes han de', John Hand . Catalogued and encoded: Rebecca Farnham, University of Birmingham, March 2004. Eljenholm-Nichols, A., Orr, M. T., Scott, K.

Latin Ward 1910, pp. 116-155. ff. 155r-156r Notes on an epistle of St. John: Ad Paulinum 'Frater ambrosius'. Latin ff. 156r-157r Notes on an epistle of St. John: Ad Desiderium 'Desiderii mei'. References to 'biblia regis offe que est Wygorn.'

481-482. Wright, C. E. 1960. English Vernacular Hands from the Twelfth to the Fifteenth Centuries , Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 14. Wright, T. ed, 1839. Political Songs of England, John to Edward II , Camden Society, 6, London: Camden Society.

33; Holkham Hall, Wells, Norfolk, Library of the Earl of Leicester, MS 668; London, College of Arms, MS 57; Manchester, John Rylands University Library, MS English 50; New Haven, Yale University Library, MS Osborn a 13; Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS

cccc mo . xlj o '. From this evidence it is apparent that the initial owner and scribe was one John Graseley . Later in the library of the Mercer Henderson family at Fordell House, Inverkeithing, co. Fife; inherited by

, Notes & Queries , 232, 154-6. Power, D., ed., 1910. Treatises of Fistula in Ano haemorrhoids, and clysters; by John Arderne from an early fifteenth-century manuscript. , EETS, os, 139, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Tr ü bner. Stephens, G.

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