University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St
Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6399.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, made in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix, 70, no. 84.Charles
scribe of Cambridge University Library, Kk.1.17 and Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 274 (ff. i-48).Part 3 includes 'De muliere Chananaea' of John Chrysostom (ff. 57-62) and 'Miracula S. Letardi' of Goscelin (ff. 62v-64v), each written by a different hand. 1 inhabited
Bede's commentary on the first Epistle of John. Includes the Commentary on Catholic Epistles (ff. 4-86v) and the Commentary on Tobit (ff. 86v-95) by Bede, with the 'nota' signs and tituli in the margins. 1 inhabited initial in colours at
of a collection of fragments from manuscripts and printed books, including maps and drawings, assembled by the bookseller and antiquary John Bagford (b. 1650/51, d. 1716) for historical purposes. Drawings and printed book fragments from the volume were transferred to
of a collection of fragments from manuscripts and printed books, including maps and drawings, assembled by the bookseller and antiquary John Bagford (b. 1650/51, d. 1716) for historical purposes. Drawings and printed book fragments from the volume were transferred to
Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6399.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, made in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix, 70, no. 84.Charles
Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6399.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, made in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix, 70, no. 84.Charles
Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6399.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, made in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix, 70, no. 84.Charles
Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6399.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, made in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix, 70, no. 84.Charles
Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6388.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, appraised in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix 70, no. 8.Charles
Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6388.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, appraised in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix 70, no. 8.Charles
Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6388.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, appraised in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix 70, no. 8.Charles
Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6388.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, appraised in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix 70, no. 8.Charles
Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6388.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, appraised in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix 70, no. 8.Charles
Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6388.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, appraised in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix 70, no. 8.Charles
of the prologue to John is a drawing of his evangelist symbol, the eagle. A later medieval reader has added John's name above the eagle's head: 'Ioh(ann)es'. Henry and Marsh-Micheli's Group IVA: 'Middle and Late Twelfth-Century Manuscripts from the North-East
the end of John. Henry and Marsh-Micheli's Group IVA: 'Middle and Late Twelfth-Century Manuscripts from the North-East of Ireland and Galloway with initials of the 'knotted wire' type. 2 full-page or nearly full-page symbols of the Evangelists in brown ink,
S. Guthlaci (incomplete); Ambrose, De obseruantia episcoporum, De misteriis, De sacramentis and De utilitate; John Diaconus, Vita S. Nicholai (prologue); Translatio S. Nicholai (1087 to Bari); John Diaconus, Vita S. Nicholai; Miracula S. Nicholai Large initial in red with penwork
S. Guthlaci (incomplete); Ambrose, De obseruantia episcoporum, De misteriis, De sacramentis and De utilitate; John Diaconus, Vita S. Nicholai (prologue); Translatio S. Nicholai (1087 to Bari); John Diaconus, Vita S. Nicholai; Miracula S. Nicholai Large initial in red with penwork