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British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

32 results from this resource . Displaying 1 to 20
  • Detail of a bas-de-page scene of a woman setting a windmill on fire; the miller peeps out from his doorway., Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals') (external link no longer available)

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

  • Full-page miniature of the Crucifixion with the Virgin Mary and John the Evangelist, a full border inhabited by birds and flowers, and, in the lower margin, a jewelled cross in a subsidiary medallion., Missal (external link no longer available)

with the Virgin Mary and John the Evangelist, a full border inhabited by birds and flowers, and, in the lower margin, a jewelled cross in a subsidiary medallion. ff. [ii] and [145] are paper flyleaves pasted to parchment ones.Musical notation.Ruled

  • Following the end of the Gospel of John on the last page of the manuscript is a detailed note, beginning 'Or(ait) do Maelbrigte hua Maeluanaig q(u)i scribsit h(un)c librum . . .' (Pray for Maelbrigte hua Maeluanaig, who wrote this book . . .). The note mentions various people, places, and events, which allow the dating of the manuscript to 1138., Gospels of Maelbrigte (the 'Armagh Gospels'; 'Marelbrid Gospels'), with glosses (external link no longer available)

of the Gospel of John on the last page of the manuscript is a detailed note, beginning 'Or(ait) do Maelbrigte hua Maeluanaig q(u)i scribsit h(un)c librum . . .' (Pray for Maelbrigte hua Maeluanaig, who wrote this book . .

  • Decorated initials 'IN' and 'P'(rincipio) at the beginning of the Gospel of John., Gospels of Maelbrigte (the 'Armagh Gospels'; 'Marelbrid Gospels'), with glosses (external link no longer available)

the beginning of the Gospel of John. According to Glunz, with marginal and interlinear glosses that were read in the cathedral school in Paris in the fourth decade of the 12th century.Henry and Marsh-Micheli's Group IVA: 'Middle and Late Twelfth-Century

  • Interlace initial 'H'(ic) with an animal head at the beginning of the common prologue to the Gospel of John., Gospels of Maelbrigte (the 'Armagh Gospels'; 'Marelbrid Gospels'), with glosses (external link no longer available)

beginning of the common prologue to the Gospel of John. According to Glunz, with marginal and interlinear glosses that were read in the cathedral school in Paris in the fourth decade of the 12th century.Henry and Marsh-Micheli's Group IVA: 'Middle

  • Detail of miniature of John the Baptist., Psalter (The 'Melisende Psalter') with canticles, prayers, and litany (external link no longer available)

miniature of John the Baptist. The calendar is a pre-Sarum Winchester diocese secular calendar, according to Morgan 1981.The Psalter conforms to the standards of the Holy Sepulchre, and the office of the dead is the use of Bayeux, according to

  • Detail of miniature of John., Psalter (The 'Melisende Psalter') with canticles, prayers, and litany (external link no longer available)

miniature of John. The calendar is a pre-Sarum Winchester diocese secular calendar, according to Morgan 1981.The Psalter conforms to the standards of the Holy Sepulchre, and the office of the dead is the use of Bayeux, according to Dondi 2004

  • Historiated initial 'E'(x Cassiodoro) with the author Cassiodorus pointing at an open book, and a foliated tendril extending into the margin; the body of the letter contains a blue figure. Smaller historiated initial 'C'(um) with the head of a bishop., Miscellany including William of Malmesbury's De dictis et factis memorabilibus philosophorum (Polyhistor) (ff. 3- 40v), Cassiodorus' De orthographia (ff. 41-52), Marbod's Lapidarium, with gloss (ff. 106-123), Priscianus' Solutiones ad Chosroem [regem Persarum] (ff. 139v-160v), Nemesius' De natura hominis (ff. 168-196), Albericus' Flores Rhetorici (ff. 196-206), John of Salisbury's De septem septenis (ff. 206v-215v), Joachim of Fiore's Praephatio super Apocalypsim (ff. 216-224), imperfect; De praesagiis tempestatum (f. 224r-v), imperfect (external link no longer available)

106-123), Priscianus' Solutiones ad Chosroem [regem Persarum] (ff. 139v-160v), Nemesius' De natura hominis (ff. 168-196), Albericus' Flores Rhetorici (ff. 196-206), John of Salisbury's De septem septenis (ff. 206v-215v), Joachim of Fiore's Praephatio super Apocalypsim (ff. 216-224), imperfect; De praesagiis tempestatum

  • Added miniature of the Virgin Mary, her mother Anne, and the infant Christ., Missal (external link no longer available)

notation.Ruled in black ink.Marginal annotations. 1 full-page miniature in colours and gold of the Crucifixion with the Virgin Mary and John the Evangelist, with a full border inhabited by birds and flowers, and, in the lower margin, a jewelled cross

  • Zoomorphic initial 'U' at the beginning of Luke 24 in the form of a frontal creature or human with large eyes. Running diagonally across the page from upper left to lower right is a line which marks where one piece of parchment has been stuck to another, to compensate for the uneven edge of the smaller piece., Gospels of Maelbrigte (the 'Armagh Gospels'; 'Marelbrid Gospels'), with glosses (external link no longer available)

in 1707 by Aymon.Jean Aymon (b. 1661, d. 1720), priest and writer: taken to Holland where it was examined by John Toland, who advised Robert Harley to purchase it (see Henry and Marsh-Micheli 1962 p. 149).The Harley Collection, formed by

  • Colophon at the end of the Gospel of Luke, giving the name and age of the scribe: 'Or(ait) do Maelbrigte q(u)i scr(i)bsit h(unc) l(ibrum) in xx viii anno aetatis suae . . .' (Pray for Maelbrigte, who wrote this book in his 28th year . . .)., Gospels of Maelbrigte (the 'Armagh Gospels'; 'Marelbrid Gospels'), with glosses (external link no longer available)

in 1707 by Aymon.Jean Aymon (b. 1661, d. 1720), priest and writer: taken to Holland where it was examined by John Toland, who advised Robert Harley to purchase it (see Henry and Marsh-Micheli 1962 p. 149).The Harley Collection, formed by

  • Decorated initial and letters 'Bea'(tissimo) with animal heads at the beginning of Jerome's prologue., Gospels of Maelbrigte (the 'Armagh Gospels'; 'Marelbrid Gospels'), with glosses (external link no longer available)

in 1707 by Aymon.Jean Aymon (b. 1661, d. 1720), priest and writer: taken to Holland where it was examined by John Toland, who advised Robert Harley to purchase it (see Henry and Marsh-Micheli 1962 p. 149).The Harley Collection, formed by

  • Decorated initial 'M'(atheus) at the beginning of a prologue to the Gospel of Matthew., Gospels of Maelbrigte (the 'Armagh Gospels'; 'Marelbrid Gospels'), with glosses (external link no longer available)

in 1707 by Aymon.Jean Aymon (b. 1661, d. 1720), priest and writer: taken to Holland where it was examined by John Toland, who advised Robert Harley to purchase it (see Henry and Marsh-Micheli 1962 p. 149).The Harley Collection, formed by

  • Decorated initial 'L'(iber) at the beginning of the genealogy of Christ at the start of Matthew., Gospels of Maelbrigte (the 'Armagh Gospels'; 'Marelbrid Gospels'), with glosses (external link no longer available)

in 1707 by Aymon.Jean Aymon (b. 1661, d. 1720), priest and writer: taken to Holland where it was examined by John Toland, who advised Robert Harley to purchase it (see Henry and Marsh-Micheli 1962 p. 149).The Harley Collection, formed by

  • Decorated initial 'B'(artolomeus) at the beginning of the interpretations of the Syriac and Hebrew names that occur in the Gospels following the conclusion of the genealogy of Christ (Matthew 1:1-17)., Gospels of Maelbrigte (the 'Armagh Gospels'; 'Marelbrid Gospels'), with glosses (external link no longer available)

in 1707 by Aymon.Jean Aymon (b. 1661, d. 1720), priest and writer: taken to Holland where it was examined by John Toland, who advised Robert Harley to purchase it (see Henry and Marsh-Micheli 1962 p. 149).The Harley Collection, formed by

  • Decorated initials in a poem in Irish on the Three Magi, concerning their names, appearance, dress, and gifts; it begins 'Aurilius humilis ard . . .'., Gospels of Maelbrigte (the 'Armagh Gospels'; 'Marelbrid Gospels'), with glosses (external link no longer available)

in 1707 by Aymon.Jean Aymon (b. 1661, d. 1720), priest and writer: taken to Holland where it was examined by John Toland, who advised Robert Harley to purchase it (see Henry and Marsh-Micheli 1962 p. 149).The Harley Collection, formed by

  • Interlace initial 'M'(arcus) with interlace and animal heads at the beginning of the common prologue to the Gospel of Mark., Gospels of Maelbrigte (the 'Armagh Gospels'; 'Marelbrid Gospels'), with glosses (external link no longer available)

in 1707 by Aymon.Jean Aymon (b. 1661, d. 1720), priest and writer: taken to Holland where it was examined by John Toland, who advised Robert Harley to purchase it (see Henry and Marsh-Micheli 1962 p. 149).The Harley Collection, formed by

  • Interlace initial 'L'(ucas) with an animal head at the beginning of the common prologue to the Gospel of Luke., Gospels of Maelbrigte (the 'Armagh Gospels'; 'Marelbrid Gospels'), with glosses (external link no longer available)

in 1707 by Aymon.Jean Aymon (b. 1661, d. 1720), priest and writer: taken to Holland where it was examined by John Toland, who advised Robert Harley to purchase it (see Henry and Marsh-Micheli 1962 p. 149).The Harley Collection, formed by

  • Coloured initial 'E'(vangelia) at the beginning of a prologue to the Gospels, in which the Evangelists are compared to the Four Elements, the Four Seasons, etc., Gospels of Maelbrigte (the 'Armagh Gospels'; 'Marelbrid Gospels'), with glosses (external link no longer available)

in 1707 by Aymon.Jean Aymon (b. 1661, d. 1720), priest and writer: taken to Holland where it was examined by John Toland, who advised Robert Harley to purchase it (see Henry and Marsh-Micheli 1962 p. 149).The Harley Collection, formed by

  • Coloured initials in a poem in Irish concerning the appearance of Christ and the Twelve Apostles, and the manner of their deaths; it begins 'Becca na delba . . .'., Gospels of Maelbrigte (the 'Armagh Gospels'; 'Marelbrid Gospels'), with glosses (external link no longer available)

in 1707 by Aymon.Jean Aymon (b. 1661, d. 1720), priest and writer: taken to Holland where it was examined by John Toland, who advised Robert Harley to purchase it (see Henry and Marsh-Micheli 1962 p. 149).The Harley Collection, formed by

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