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British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts icon

British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

2855 results from this resource . Displaying 21 to 40
  • Decorated initials in a leaf from a 13th-century Missal., Fragment of a leaf with readings for the feast for Laurence (external link no longer available)

inscribed, 16th/17th century: 'Philemon Holland / John Barone(?), and 'RB'.f. 125: inscribed, 16th century: 'Thomas baulle'(?) and John Dean'.f. 137: inscribed, 16th century: 'James Collard'.f. 149: inscribed, 16th century: 'Statutes April 1581' and 'John Wallsall'.f. 175: inscribed, 17th century: 'Edmund(?)

  • Detail of decorated initial., Fragment of a leaf of a Bible (Paralipomenon) (external link no longer available)

inscribed, 16th/17th century: 'Philemon Holland / John Barone(?), and 'RB'.f. 125: inscribed, 16th century: 'Thomas baulle'(?) and John Dean'.f. 137: inscribed, 16th century: 'James Collard'.f. 149: inscribed, 16th century: 'Statutes April 1581' and 'John Wallsall'.f. 175: inscribed, 17th century: 'Edmund(?)

  • Flourished initial., Leaf of an unidentified text (external link no longer available)

inscribed, 16th/17th century: 'Philemon Holland / John Barone(?), and 'RB'.f. 125: inscribed, 16th century: 'Thomas baulle'(?) and John Dean'.f. 137: inscribed, 16th century: 'James Collard'.f. 149: inscribed, 16th century: 'Statutes April 1581' and 'John Wallsall'.f. 175: inscribed, 17th century: 'Edmund(?)

  • Detail of flourished initial., Leaf of an unidentified text (external link no longer available)

inscribed, 16th/17th century: 'Philemon Holland / John Barone(?), and 'RB'.f. 125: inscribed, 16th century: 'Thomas baulle'(?) and John Dean'.f. 137: inscribed, 16th century: 'James Collard'.f. 149: inscribed, 16th century: 'Statutes April 1581' and 'John Wallsall'.f. 175: inscribed, 17th century: 'Edmund(?)

  • Decorated initial 'I' at the beginning of John; visible through the parchment from the other side of the leaf is a green initial marking the start of the prologue to the Gospel. The first six lines of the main text is in a wider column than the rest, and has no interlinear gloss., Leviticus, glossed (ff. 7-58), and John, glossed, imperfect, with short thelogical treatises (ff. 3-7v) (external link no longer available)

of the preface to John and John (ff. 59, 59v). Diagrams in brown ink (ff. 3v, 6v). Paraphs in brown with penwork decoration. Small paraphs in red. Rubrics in red. Leviticus, glossed (ff. 7-58), and John, glossed, imperfect, with short

  • null, Law treatise called Britton (begins and ends imperfectly) (external link no longer available)

and ends imperfectly) William Petty (~formerly~ Fitzmaurice) (b. 1737, d. 1805), 2nd earl of Shelburne and 1st marquess of Lansdowne, prime minister; purchased by the British Museum together with 1244 other Lansdowne manuscripts in 1807. Detail John le Breton England

  • Miniature of an Evanglist portrait of a standing winged figure with a bird head in an interlace border, before the beginning of John., Gospels, with the Epistle to Damasus, Canon tables, and prefaces, imperfect (external link no longer available)

beginning of John. This manuscript is part of the 'Irish-Northumbrian' group with the sigla 'DELQR', and is designed 'E': see Marsden 1999 p. 290 and n. 25. 2 full page miniatures of Evangelist portraits of Mark and John (ff. 45v,

  • Puzzle initial 'I'(nsistit) with pen-flourishing., Doctrinale fidei ecclesiae, Books 1 and 2 (external link no longer available)

and 4 of the ~Doctrinale~ and was also given to the monks of Gloucester College by John Whethamstede. Together, the books were produced for John Whethamstede at a cost of £6 13s 4d.On ff. 204-205v, a brief subject index has

  • 2 ownership inscriptions stating that the book belonged to John Preston, monk of St Augustine's abbey, Canterbury, and that it was included in the library of St Augustine's, reading 'Summa Magistri Johannis Dumbletone / fratris Iohannis Prestone,' and 'de librario s. Aug. ext[ra] Cantuariam distin[ctio]ne xii gradu iii'., Summa logicae et naturalis philosophiae, with an index (external link no longer available)

that the book belonged to John Preston, monk of St Augustine's abbey, Canterbury, and that it was included in the library of St Augustine's, reading 'Summa Magistri Johannis Dumbletone / fratris Iohannis Prestone,' and 'de librario s. Aug. ext[ra] Cantuariam

  • Historiated initial 'D'(ixit) of a martyrdom of John the Evangelist with a fool in the margin, at the beginning of Psalm 52., Psalter, with a calendar (ff. 2-6v); Psalms (ff. 7-187); canticles and prayers (ff. 187-204v); litany, petitions, and collects (ff. 204v-209) (external link no longer available)

his signature; possibly obtained from his estate by Ives. Cf. Paul Grinke, 'John Ives and the LIbrary of 'Honest' Tom Martin', ~in The Warden's Meeting: A Tribute to John Sparrow~ (Oxford: Oxford University Society of Bibliophiles, 1977), pp. 39-42 (p.

  • Foliate initial 'C'(um) at the beginning of the prologue, with the ownership inscription of the Carthusian priory of St. Mary, St. John the Baptist and All Saints in Henton, Somerset, reading 'Explanat[i]o d[omi]ni Rad[u]l/phii Flaviacens[is] monachi / sup[er] librum Leviticum / Liber. Undecimus in E. / Hentone. ord[inis] Chartusie', and names of John Lumley and Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury., Commentary on Leviticus (external link no longer available)

of St. Mary, St. John the Baptist and All Saints in Henton, Somerset, reading 'Explanat[i]o d[omi]ni Rad[u]l/phii Flaviacens[is] monachi / sup[er] librum Leviticum / Liber. Undecimus in E. / Hentone. ord[inis] Chartusie', and names of John Lumley and Thomas Cranmer,

  • null, Psalter, with a calendar (ff. 2-6v); Psalms (ff. 7-187); canticles and prayers (ff. 187-204v); litany, petitions, and collects (ff. 204v-209) (external link no longer available)

his signature; possibly obtained from his estate by Ives. Cf. Paul Grinke, 'John Ives and the LIbrary of 'Honest' Tom Martin', ~in The Warden's Meeting: A Tribute to John Sparrow~ (Oxford: Oxford University Society of Bibliophiles, 1977), pp. 39-42 (p.

  • null, Psalter, with a calendar (ff. 2-6v); Psalms (ff. 7-187); canticles and prayers (ff. 187-204v); litany, petitions, and collects (ff. 204v-209) (external link no longer available)

his signature; possibly obtained from his estate by Ives. Cf. Paul Grinke, 'John Ives and the LIbrary of 'Honest' Tom Martin', ~in The Warden's Meeting: A Tribute to John Sparrow~ (Oxford: Oxford University Society of Bibliophiles, 1977), pp. 39-42 (p.

  • null, Psalter, with a calendar (ff. 2-6v); Psalms (ff. 7-187); canticles and prayers (ff. 187-204v); litany, petitions, and collects (ff. 204v-209) (external link no longer available)

his signature; possibly obtained from his estate by Ives. Cf. Paul Grinke, 'John Ives and the LIbrary of 'Honest' Tom Martin', ~in The Warden's Meeting: A Tribute to John Sparrow~ (Oxford: Oxford University Society of Bibliophiles, 1977), pp. 39-42 (p.

  • Historiated initial of the stoning of Stephen, with marginal musician and dancer, at the beginning of Psalm 101., Psalter, with a calendar (ff. 2-6v); Psalms (ff. 7-187); canticles and prayers (ff. 187-204v); litany, petitions, and collects (ff. 204v-209) (external link no longer available)

his signature; possibly obtained from his estate by Ives. Cf. Paul Grinke, 'John Ives and the LIbrary of 'Honest' Tom Martin', ~in The Warden's Meeting: A Tribute to John Sparrow~ (Oxford: Oxford University Society of Bibliophiles, 1977), pp. 39-42 (p.

  • Miniature of the martyrdom of Alban in the upper register, and of the martyrdom of Amphibaldus in the lower register; and a miniature of John the Baptist with John the Evangelist in the upper register, and an Archbishop and an abbot or bishop in the lower register., Psalter and Canticles (external link no longer available)

in the upper register, and of the martyrdom of Amphibaldus in the lower register; and a miniature of John the Baptist with John the Evangelist in the upper register, and an Archbishop and an abbot or bishop in the lower

  • Ownership inscription of Alice d'Avesnes, reading ' 'Ici comence en francoys la promiere collection en francois que len apele autentices e est a Alis de heynau / contesse de Norfolk et mareshale dangleterre file le conte Iohan de (hey[na]u) a qi la conte de Hollande et de Selande e la / signorie de frise eschey. / Pries pour le conte Rogier mareschal son signour e por lavant dite Alis e por le cinte Ioh[a]n son pere e por / la contesse phelippe sa mere e por mon[signour] Ioh[a]n de hastinges sire de bergeueny a qui le livre fu en aucun tens / e pour tous les amis e les amies a lavant dite Alis e por tous ceus a qui ele estoit tenue.', Authenticum and Tres Libri (external link no longer available)

dominus de Manchestre' [John, 4th baron De la Warr, (b. c.1345, d. 1398), his cousin], John de Waltham (d. 1395), bishop of Salisbury, John, lord Ross of Hamlake, Sir William de Skipwith (b. c.1320, d. before 1398), John de Ravensere,

  • Illuminated initial 'H'(ic) at the beginning of the prologue to John., Gospels of Luke and John, with the Glossa ordinaria (external link no longer available)

beginning of the prologue to John. Catchwords and quire and bifolium signatures. 2 historiated initials in colours, at the beginning of the two Gospels (ff. 2, 121v), and 2 foliate initials with dragons in colours, at the beginning of prologues

  • Calligraphic initial 'T'(he) at the beginning of the Testament of John Lydgate., Testament and The reignes of the kyngis of England, A Treatise between Information and Truth; On the Death of the Earl of Northumberland; Le assemble de dyeus; Descent of the Lords Percy (external link no longer available)

Calligraphic initial 'T'(he) at the beginning of the Testament of John Lydgate. Part 1 includes two works by John Lydgate, the Troy Book, a translation from Historia destructionis Troiae of Guido delle Colonne, originally presented by Lydgate to Henry V

  • Decorated initial 'V'(ictus), at the beginning of book 1., Sermons, with a list of the sermons (f. 4) (external link no longer available)

4).Henry Savile of Banke, Yorkshire (b. 1568, d. 1617), collector of manuscripts, probably acquired by him from John Nelton: shorthand inscription deciphered as 'John Netlton. Henry Savil' (ff. 4, 5v) (see Warner and Gilson 1921).The Old Royal Library (the English

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