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XIV Century Author(s) [John de Meun] Collection(s) Part One: Medieval Manuscripts from the Sloane and Additional Manuscripts, Section A Manuscript Number 2470 Source Library British Library, London Description A poem intitled " the Will" - written by John de Meun,
De Simplicitate Christianae Vitae, preceded by the Epistola, as in the Cologne edition, 1550, and followed by a sermon on John, iv, 1, preached on 9 June, 1495 (f.101). Volume from the library at Slains Castle. Notes on the manuscript
of the first three homilies is given (P.L., xciv, 34-36, 38-41, 22-23, 120-125). On ff. 89-90v is a homily on John, i. 1-2, apparently not by Bede, beg. 'Oportet nos, fratres karissimi', and ending 'Illud verbum, quod erat in principio