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Your search found 14 results in 2 resources




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14 results from 2 resources . Displaying 101 to 14

Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

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Charles Long, Baron Farnborough (b. 1761, d. 1838), a cousin of Francis Henry Egerton, 8th Earl of Bridgewater (b. 1756, d. 1829), founder of the collection. Puzzle initials John of Salisbury John of Salisbury Mons Netherlands, S. (Mons in Hainault)

Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

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Long, Baron Farnborough (b. 1761, d. 1838), a cousin of Francis Henry Egerton, 8th Earl of Bridgewater (b. 1756, d. 1829), founder of the collection. Virgin and Child John of Salisbury John of Salisbury Mons Netherlands, S. (Mons in Hainault)

Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

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John de Holebrook, 1309 (f. 3v); John, son of John de Holebrook (f. 5); Petronilla de Holebrook (f. 6).Added inscriptions of obits in the calendar: John King, 1589 (f. 3); Richard King, 1567 (f. 4); Joan King, wife of

Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

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John de Holebrook, 1309 (f. 3v); John, son of John de Holebrook (f. 5); Petronilla de Holebrook (f. 6).Added inscriptions of obits in the calendar: John King, 1589 (f. 3); Richard King, 1567 (f. 4); Joan King, wife of

Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

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Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

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John de Holebrook, 1309 (f. 3v); John, son of John de Holebrook (f. 5); Petronilla de Holebrook (f. 6).Added inscriptions of obits in the calendar: John King, 1589 (f. 3); Richard King, 1567 (f. 4); Joan King, wife of

Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

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John de Holebrook, 1309 (f. 3v); John, son of John de Holebrook (f. 5); Petronilla de Holebrook (f. 6).Added inscriptions of obits in the calendar: John King, 1589 (f. 3); Richard King, 1567 (f. 4); Joan King, wife of

Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

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Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

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John de Holebrook, 1309 (f. 3v); John, son of John de Holebrook (f. 5); Petronilla de Holebrook (f. 6).Added inscriptions of obits in the calendar: John King, 1589 (f. 3); Richard King, 1567 (f. 4); Joan King, wife of

Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

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John de Holebrook, 1309 (f. 3v); John, son of John de Holebrook (f. 5); Petronilla de Holebrook (f. 6).Added inscriptions of obits in the calendar: John King, 1589 (f. 3); Richard King, 1567 (f. 4); Joan King, wife of

Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

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John de Holebrook, 1309 (f. 3v); John, son of John de Holebrook (f. 5); Petronilla de Holebrook (f. 6).Added inscriptions of obits in the calendar: John King, 1589 (f. 3); Richard King, 1567 (f. 4); Joan King, wife of

Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

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John de Holebrook, 1309 (f. 3v); John, son of John de Holebrook (f. 5); Petronilla de Holebrook (f. 6).Added inscriptions of obits in the calendar: John King, 1589 (f. 3); Richard King, 1567 (f. 4); Joan King, wife of

Manuscripts of the West Midlands

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five manuscripts of mainly Latin texts but including a short English grammar which has a Staffordshire dialect. It also contains John Mirk's Instructions to Parish Priests although this text has been allocated a Northamptonshire dialect. f. 1r-9r 'Dicciones Psalterii' Explanation

Manuscripts of the West Midlands

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lemperour'. French Stengel 1871, 2; Hunt 1990, pp. 100-41, see especially pp. 104-5, 140-1. ff. 21r-26v The Letter of Prester John 'Ci comence la lettre ke prestre iohan enuea a la pape de roume'. 'Prestres iohans par la grace deu

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