PREBENDA MAGISTRI JOHANNIS CLARELL Benefice of PREBEND OF JOHN CLARELL (YK.NT.SW.02) £ 36. 13s. 4d. PREBEND OF JOHN CLARELL null (pat.) PREB N/A If appropriated No Full entry £ 36. 13s. 4d. 55
Prebenda I. Brun Benefice of PREBEND OF JOHN BRUN (DA.DA.PB.20) £ 2. 0s. 0d. (prebend, canonry, or dignity, of secular college, of uncertain composition) PREBEND OF JOHN BRUN (pat.) ecclesiatical Not app. If appropriated No Full entry 1 Lincolnshire
PORCIO JOHANNIS DE LACY Benefice of BISHOP AUCKLAND PORTION 3 (DU.DU.AU.04) £ 16. 13s. 4d. (portion) JOHN DE LACY £ 16. 13s. 4d. If appropriated No Full entry £ 16. 13s. 4d. 25
PORCIO JOHANNIS DE LONDON Benefice of BISHOP AUCKLAND PORTION 10 (DU.DU.AU.11) £ 16. 0s. 0d. (portion) JOHN DE LONDON £ 16. 0s. 0d. If appropriated No Full entry £ 16. 0s. 0d. 24
PORCIO JOHANNIS DE METINGHAM Benefice of DARLINGTON PORTION 3 (DU.DU.DR.04) £ 16. 13s. 4d. (portion) JOHN DE METINGHAM £ 16. 13s. 4d. If appropriated No Full entry £ 16. 13s. 4d. 25
University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St
University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St
University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St
University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St
University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St