Has deposition; Has libel; No sentence Outcome: Date: 24/05/1384 — 05/10/1385 People & Places Participant: John Tocketts [de Toucotes; de Towcotes] Role: plaintiff Details: male; clerk Employment: rector of Loftus Location: Loftus (YorkshireNorthRiding) Place(s): Loftus (Lofthous) : ecclesiastical parish Participant:
Thomas Garth Participant: John Stainton [de Staynton] Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Notes: Proctor for Agnes, widow of Richard Waghen Participant: JohnWillingham [de Willyngham] Role: plaintiff Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Notes: Proctor for John Newton. Participant:
RogerCogges [Cogges; Cogg'] Role: plaintiff Details: male Participant: ThomasHaldenby [Haldenby] Role: plaintiff Details: male Participant: John Emsall [Emsale; Emsall] Role: plaintiff Details: male Participant: John Lambard [Lemberd] Role: plaintiff Details: male Location: Whitgift (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Swinefleet (Swynflet') : undefined Participant:
defendant Details: male Location: Skipsea (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Skipsea (Skypse) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Stanton [de Stanton] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Willingham [Wilyngham; Willyngham] Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: RogerWhychose
religious house Participant: John Sawyer [Sawyer; Sawher] Role: witness Details: male Participant: Alice Fimmer [Fymmer] Role: witness Details: female Participant: WilliamTockwith [Tokwyth] Role: witness Details: male; 40 Employment: serjeant of York Location: York (Ebor') : undefined Participant: John Good [Gode]
Pieces; No deposition; Has libel; No sentence Outcome: Date: 17/09/1395 — 19/07/1396 People & Places Participant: John Derby [de Derby] Role: plaintiff Details: male Employment: dean of the collegiate church of Chester-le-Street Participant: Thomas Smith [Smyth] Role: plaintiff Details: male
Role: witness Details: female; 28 Employment: servant of John Bentley Location: Moor Monkton (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Moor Monkton (Moremunkton) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: Matilda Role: witness Details: female; 24 Employment: servant of John Bentley Location: Moor Monkton (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Moor Monkton
Institute GB 193 Court:Curia Ebor Case:Appeals (matrimonial, annulment) Details:7 Pieces; Has deposition; No libel; Has sentence Outcome:plaintiff, John Thorp, loses; marriage between plaintiff, John Kent and defendant, Agnes Nakirer declared valid. Date: 22/04/1407 — 30/05/1407 People & Places Participant: JohnThorp
Foss Bridge (Pons Fosse, Munkbrig', Monkbryg) : undefined Unclear which 'Foss bridge' is meant. Location: York, St John (delpike) (Yorkshire) Place(s): York, St John (Delpike) (sanctus johannes le pyk) : ecclesiastical parish Location: York : city Place(s): YorkYork Minster (Cath'
prosecution proctor Details: male Employment: proctor Participant: Robert Rampton [de Rampton'] Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Participant: RobertGodwin [de Godewin'] Role: witness Details: male Location: Southwell (Nottinghamshire) Place(s): Southwell
Place(s): Thames Street (Temstrete) : undefined Cannot be certain which Thames Street is meant. Participant: John Bandon [de Bandon] Role: witness Details: male Participant: John Cologne [de Coleyne] Role: witness Details: male; clerk Employment: rector of the church of Lambeth
Location: York (Ebor') : city Participant: John Acomb [de Akom ] Role: witness Details: male Participant: William son of Roger Role: witness Details: male Location: Acomb (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Acomb (Akom') : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Barker [Barker] Role: witness Details:
Participant: John Heriz [de Heriz; de Heryz] Role: defendant Details: male; clerk Employment: advocate of the Court of York Notes: Cannot identify the surname 'de Heriz'. Participant: John Burton [de Burton] Role: witness Details: male; 40; master; clerk Participant: John
deposition; No libel; No sentence Outcome: Date: 1372 — 1372 People & Places Participant: John Burton [de Burton] Role: plaintiff Details: male Participant: HenryMelbourne [de Melburn] Role: defendant Details: male; chaplain Employment: priest Notes: The defendants are all named as
Participant: Alice daughter of Thomas Sherwood [Scherwode; filia Thome Schirwode] Role: plaintiff Details: female Location: York (Ebor') : city Participant: John Lamb [Lambe] Role: defendant Details: male Location: Hathilsay (Hathilsay, Hathelsay) : undefined Cannot identify. Participant: Nicholas Easingwold [de Esyngwald]
[Butre] Role: witness Details: female Participant: AgnesYounger [Yonger] Role: witness Details: female Location: Auckland St Andrew (Durham) Place(s): Auckland (Aukland) : undefined Participant: John Younger [Yonger] Role: witness Details: male Location: York (Ebor') : diocese Location: York (Ebor') : city
undefined Notes: Executor of the testament of Isolda Acastre. Participant: IsoldaAcaster [Acastre] Role: testator Details: female; deceased Participant: JohnWillingham [Willyngham] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Stanton [Stanton] Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor
Durham (Dunelm') : diocese Participant: Walter Role: defendant Details: male Employment: bishop of Durham Location: Durham (Dunelm') : diocese Participant: John Stanton [de Stanton] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Location: York (Ebor') : city Location: York (Ebor')
[Man] Role: witness Details: male; 40; citizen of York Location: York (Ebor') : undefined Place(s): York, St John (micklegate) (Yorkshire) York, St John (Micklegate) (Sanctus Johannes in Mykylgate) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: RobertFerriby [Feryby] Role: witness Details: male; 40; citizen
male Participant: ThomasBurgh [Burgh; Burghe] Role: defendant Details: male Notes: The debt appears to have been owed to the late John Burgh, presumably a relative of the defendant. Participant: HenryHulk [Hulke] Role: witness Details: male; 36 Location: Kingston Upon Hull,