(YorkshireNorthRiding) Ampleforth (Ampilford) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Wright [Wryght] Role: defendant Details: male Location: Ampleforth (YorkshireNorthRiding) Place(s): Ampleforth (Ampilford) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: William Thrower [Trower] Role: defendant Details: male Participant: John Thrower [Trower] Role: defendant Details: male Participant:
Participant: WilliamEmbleton [de Emeldon] Role: defendant Details: male Location: Durham (Dunelm') : diocese Participant: John Marshall [Maresshall; Marsschall] Role: undefined Details: male; clerk Employment: Notes: John Marshall was the plaintiff in the original dispute over possession of the church of
Employment: proctor Participant: John Stanton [de Stanton] Role: undefined Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: HenryAxholme [de Haxholm] Role: undefined Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: RobertBolton [de Bolton] Role: undefined Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Fossour [Foussoure]
Role: witness Details: male; 40 Employment: vicar of the collegiate church of St John the Evangelist, Beverley Location: Beverley, St John (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Collegiate Church of St John the Evangelist, Beverley (ecclesia colleg' Beverlaci) : religious house Participant: GeoffreyBarrow [de
(YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Bingley (Bynglay) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John son of Adam Ilkley [de Ylklay; de Ilkelay] Role: witness Details: male; 20 Participant: John Feraunt [Feraunt] Role: witness Details: male Participant: John Preston [de Preston] Role: witness Details: male Participant:
Participant: John Beverley [de Beverley] Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Monkgate [de Monnkgate] Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: RobertNewenham [de Neuenham] Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John
Details: male Participant: William Fairhurst [de Fayrhirst; de Fairhirst] Role: witness Details: male Participant: John Pace [Pese; Pees] Role: witness Details: male Participant: John son of John Aylsy [Aylsi; filius Johannis Aylsy; Ailsy] Role: witness Details: male Participant: William Holdsworth
St Mary, York (conventus beati marie Ebor, monasterium beati marie) : religious house Participant: John Role: defendant Details: male; clerk; bishop Employment: bishop of Carlisle Participant: John Waltham [de Watham] Role: witness Details: male; clerk Employment: royal nuncio Location: York
Edward Cornwall [de Cornubia] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Stanton [de Stanton] Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Forster [Forster] Role: witness Details: male Location: Kilburn (YorkshireNorthRiding) Place(s): Kilburn (Kylburne) :
John Brown [Broun] Role: witness Details: male Participant: Alice Hailey [Hallays] Alternate name: AliceHanldeles [Hanldeles] Role: witness Details: male Notes: Cannot identify the surname 'Hanldeles'. Participant: AgnesWace [Wace] Role: witness Details: male; 40; Aunt of Alice, the defendant Participant:
prosecution proctor Details: male Employment: proctor Participant: Robert Rampton [de Rampton'] Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Participant: RobertGodwin [de Godewin'] Role: witness Details: male Location: Southwell (Nottinghamshire) Place(s): Southwell
Place(s): Thames Street (Temstrete) : undefined Cannot be certain which Thames Street is meant. Participant: John Bandon [de Bandon] Role: witness Details: male Participant: John Cologne [de Coleyne] Role: witness Details: male; clerk Employment: rector of the church of Lambeth
Location: York (Ebor') : city Participant: John Acomb [de Akom ] Role: witness Details: male Participant: William son of Roger Role: witness Details: male Location: Acomb (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Acomb (Akom') : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Barker [Barker] Role: witness Details:
Participant: John Heriz [de Heriz; de Heryz] Role: defendant Details: male; clerk Employment: advocate of the Court of York Notes: Cannot identify the surname 'de Heriz'. Participant: John Burton [de Burton] Role: witness Details: male; 40; master; clerk Participant: John
Richmond Participant: RobertNewham [de Nennham] Role: defence proctor Details: male Participant: JohnMonkgate [de Munkegat'] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male Participant: John Tristram [de Tristrem] Role: witness Details: male; clerk Employment: vicar Location: Kirkby Ireleth (Lancashire) Place(s): Kyrkeby Ireleth (Kyrkeby Irlith)
Participant: Eva daughter of ThomasForester [le Forester] Role: plaintiff Details: female Location: Aberford (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Stainforde (Staynford) : undefined Participant: John Stainford [de Staynford] Role: defendant Details: male Location: Snaith (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Rawcliffe (Rouclyff ) : undefined Participant: Alice daughter
Huntington (Huntyngton) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Sargant [Sariaunt] Role: witness Details: male; 40 Location: Huntington (YorkshireNorthRiding) Place(s): Huntington (Huntyngton') : ecclesiastical parish Participant: William Morton [de Moreton] Role: witness Details: male Participant: John son of Constance Role: witness Details:
George (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Doncaster (Doncaster) : undefined Participant: John son of Gilbert Role: defendant Details: male Location: Doncaster, St George (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Doncaster, St George (Doncastr, Doncastre) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Stanton [de Stanton] Role: defence proctor Details: male;
parish Participant: Robert Stanshall [de Stansall] Role: witness Details: male Participant: John son of William Role: witness Details: male Location: Elton (Nottinghamshire) Place(s): Elton (Elton) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Fuge [Fuge] Role: witness Details: male; 40 Location: Blyth (Nottinghamshire)
Leeds (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Leeds (Ledes) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Aylsy [Ayslay; Aylsy; Aylsi] Alternate name: Ainsley Role: defendant Details: male Location: Rothwell (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Rothwell (Rothwell) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Role: defendant Details: male; clerk Employment: perpetual vicar