(Wakfeld) : undefined Participant: John Stanton [de Stanton] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male Participant: NicholasEasingwold [de Esyngwald] Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Castleford [de Castelford] Role: witness Details: male; 30 Participant: John Swerd [Swerd] Role:
choral and chaplain of the chantry of St John the Baptist in York Minster Location: Easington (YorkshireNorthRiding) Place(s): Easington (Esyngton) : ecclesiastical parish York : city Chantry of the Altar of St John the Baptist, York Minster (cantaria ad altaram
de Acklum] Role: plaintiff Details: female Location: Wold Newton (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Wold Newton (Neuton) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John son of John Carthorp [de Carthorp; de Karethorp'] Role: defendant Details: male Participant: Cecilia Sewardby [de Sywardby] Role: witness Details: female;
castle.) Details:15 Pieces; No deposition; No libel; No sentence Outcome: Date: 10/01/1371 — 22/05/1372 People & Places Participant: John Harwood [de Harewode; de Harwode] Role: plaintiff Details: male; clerk Employment: rector of Richmond Location: Richmond (YorkshireNorthRiding) Place(s): Richmond (Richm', Richem')
RandulfSteel [Steel; Stele; Steele] Role: defendant Details: male; clerk Location: York (Ebor') : diocese Participant: John Stanton [de Stanton] Role: defence proctor Details: male Participant: John Allerthorpe [de Allerthorp] Role: witness Details: male Employment: vicar of the church of Greatham
Details: male Employment: cordwainer Location: York (Ebor') : undefined Participant: John Stanton [de Stanton] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Notes: Proctor of Alice de Lutryngton Participant: John Willingham [Willyngham] Role: undefined Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Notes:
in Lindrick (ecclesia de Carelton) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Carlton [Carelton] Role: witness Details: male; 60 Location: Carlton In Lindrick (Nottinghamshire) Place(s): Carlton in Lindrick (Carelton) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Carter [Carter] Role: witness Details: male; 35 Location:
[del Abbay] Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Ward [Warde; Ward] Role: witness Details: male; 24 Location: Burstwick (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Ryehill (Ryall) : undefined Participant: John Moy [Moy] Role: witness Details: male; 30 Location: Burstwick (YorkshireEastRiding)
[Wyllyngham] Role: undefined Details: male Participant: John Breton [Breton] Role: witness Details: male; 27 Location: York : city Place(s): Micklegate (Mykylgate Ebor') : undefined Participant: John Bailey [Baille] Role: witness Details: male Participant: John Kele [Kele] Role: witness Details: male;
York (Ebor') : undefined Participant: John Chilwell [de Chilwell; de Chiwell] Role: defendant Details: male Location: Nottingham (Notyngham) : undefined Participant: Nicholas Easingwold [de Esyngwald] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Willingham [de Wylyngham] Role: defence
Details: male; clerk Employment: vicar of Helmsley Location: Helmsley (YorkshireNorthRiding) Place(s): Helmsley (parochial' ecclesia de Helmslay) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Ratour [Rotour] Role: defendant Details: male Location: Helmsley (YorkshireNorthRiding) Place(s): Helmsley (Helmsley) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: Thomas Bugthorpe [Bugthorp]
ThomasBaxter [Bakster; Bakester] Role: plaintiff Details: male Location: North Collingham (Nottinghamshire) Place(s): North Collingham (Northcolingham, Northcolyngham) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Cook [Cok] Role: defendant Details: male Location: Newark-on-trent (Nottinghamshire) Place(s): Newark (Newerk) : undefined Participant: RobertEasingwold [de Esyngwald] Role:
Participant: ThomasNesfield [Nesfeld] Role: defendant Details: male Participant: John Willingham [de Wilyngham] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: Robert Easingwold [de Esyngwald] Role: defence proctor Details: male Participant: John Seamer [Semer] Role: witness Details: male; 20 Location:
Role: plaintiff Details: male; clerk Employment: rector of Ryther Participant: John Webster [Webster] Role: defendant Details: male Location: Stillingfleet (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Acaster Selby (Acastr Selby, Acastreselby) : undefined Participant: John Stanton [de Stanton] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male; clerk Employment:
: ecclesiastical parish Participant: William Pindar [Pynder] Role: defendant Details: male; layman Participant: John Bulhall [Bulhall] Role: defendant Details: male; layman Participant: prior and convent of St John, Pontefract Role: undefined Details: undefined Location: Pontefract (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Priory of Pontefract
libel; Has sentence Outcome:plaintiff wins Date: 09/01/1396 — 1399 People & Places Participant: John Dent [Dent; Dente] Role: plaintiff Details: male Location: York (Ebor') : undefined Participant: John Chase [Chace] Role: defendant Details: male Participant: WilliamBristow [Bristow] Role: prosecution proctor
[Farlam] Role: defendant Details: male Employment: servant of John Spryntlok Location: Doncaster, St George (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Doncaster (Doncastr) : undefined Participant: RobertEasingwold [Esyngwald] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Willingham [Willyngham] Role: defence proctor Details: male;
Role: defendant Details: male Location: Catton With Stamford Bridge (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Catton with Stamford Bridge (Catton) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Hornby [Horneby] Role: defendant Details: male Location: Catton With Stamford Bridge (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Catton with Stamford Bridge (Stamefordbrigge) :
identify the surname 'Sklat'. Participant: John Sampson [Samson] Role: witness Details: male; 50 Location: Farnley (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Farnley (Farneley) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: George Simpson [Symson] Role: witness Details: male; clerk Employment: Chaplain Participant: John Idle [Ydille] Role: witness Details:
Places Participant: RobertAppleby [de Appelby] Role: plaintiff Details: male; clerk Employment: rector of the church of Beverley, St Nicholas Participant: John Bigrigg [de Bigrig] Role: defendant Details: male Participant: Randulf Yarwell [de Yarwell] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male Location: Southwell