A 2464 British Library, London 67 images. Date(s) XV Century Author(s) [Philip of Paris, Johannes Hispalensis, John Lydgate] Collection(s) Part One: Medieval Manuscripts from the Sloane and Additional Manuscripts, Section A Manuscript Number 2464 Source Library British Library, London Description
several pages. Subsequently it passed into the possession of the Sebright family, and at the sale of part of Sir John Sebright's library in 1807 (lot 1190) it was bought by Richard Heber, from whom it passed (sale-cat. 1836, lot
sermon on John vi. 5, beg. "Ememus panes. [?]e shulle vnderstonde þat by bred in holi writ is vnderstonde," and ending "charyte withouten whom no man may be sauyd." f. 98 b. 6 6. Sermon, attributed elsewhere to John Wycliffe
f. 68 b. 40 40. Indulgence of Clement V. for the gospel (cursus avangelii) of St. John. f. 69. 41 41. Indulgence of John XXII. (1317) for the psalter of St. Mary. f. 70 b. 42 42. Memoriale for St.
Section B 43488 British Library, London 110 images. Date(s) Author(s) [Sir John Fenn] Collection(s) Part Two: Medieval Manuscripts from the Additional Manuscripts, Section B Manuscript Number 43488 Source Library British Library, London Description PASTON LETTERS: correspondence and papers of members
Section B 43489 British Library, London 100 images. Date(s) Author(s) [Sir John Fenn] Collection(s) Part Two: Medieval Manuscripts from the Additional Manuscripts, Section B Manuscript Number 43489 Source Library British Library, London Description PASTON LETTERS: correspondence and papers of members
Section B 43490 British Library, London 104 images. Date(s) Author(s) [Sir John Fenn] Collection(s) Part Two: Medieval Manuscripts from the Additional Manuscripts, Section B Manuscript Number 43490 Source Library British Library, London Description PASTON LETTERS: correspondence and papers of members
copy the concluding passage, which in Roy. 17 C. viii. (f. 335 b) asks the reader to pray "for frcero John saule of Waldby" who made pis tale in latyn right," and also "for William saule of Nassyngton" Who "
B 36,523 British Library, London 96 images. Date(s) Middle of xv. cent Author(s) [Adam Davy, John Lydgate, F. S. Ellis] Collection(s) Part Two: Medieval Manuscripts from the Additional Manuscripts, Section B Manuscript Number 36,523 Source Library British Library, London Description
appended, "quod Thomas Rytte," is probably only that of a scribe. In Sloaue 5, f. 18, is another translation by John Lelamour. The herbals in English printed by R. Wyer (undated) under the name Macer are a different work .
MS. known (Day, p. x). Beg. "Hayle bote of bale blissed qwene." f. 4 b. 3 3. Hymn to St. John the Baptist, in alliterative rhymed verse : ten 11-line stanzas, consisting of 8 long lines rhyming abababab, followed by
prose Life of St. Cuthbert (Migne, Palr. Lat. xciv. 733). f.2 b; (2) (2) Letter of Bede to the priest John, beg. "Domino in domino dominorum dilectissimo…Dici non potest dilectissime," i.e. the letter accompanying the metrical Life of S. Cuthbert
ix-x10, with signatures. The following names occur: Thomas Musgrave (f.4), Nicholas Berbour (f.68b, and f.111b) Edward Burbecke, Jane Lawson and John Empson. Presented by Dr Charles Morton, 15 Mar. 1757. "Uryne browne with a blake rynge is signe of dethe."
moral treatises, poems, etc., in Latin and English, viz.:— Paper and vellum; ff. 228. xvth cent. With book-plate of Rev. John Fuller Russell; and formerly belonging to Richard Heber (Sale, 1836, lot 821). The following names (17th-18th cent.) also are
of St. Dominio has the usual misleading reference (f. 95) to the French translator Jean de Vignay, "for I ffryour John of Renyngnayo translatour of this boke wolle no more put here," etc. (cf. Stowe MS. 51, f. 18 b,
no. iii of the collection: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) MISCELLANEOUS volume, largely in the hand of John Streech, canon of the Augustinian Priory of Kenilworth (ef. Add. MS. 35295, which was written about 1422). Lat Contents
On f. 1 is a note dated St. Gregory's even, York, from Henry Meggeson to "Mr. Savill" [ ? Sir John Savile, d. 1607] on sending him the book. 12th cent. marks of ownership "Liber sancte Trinitatis de Kir[k]haam" (f.
blissed Trinite … I intende to transpose for myne owne lernynge a trettesse from Latyn into Englysch complied bi dan John Rusbroke"; and text, "Who so euer will lyffe in the moste perfytt state." Ends "and euer to praye for
the Paston family of Paston, co. Norf.; 1440-1489. The present MSS. comprise the letters published, with some omissions, by Sir John Fenn in vols, i and ii of his Original Letters written during the reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV
whom, 17 Aug. [1801?], fromG[eorge] Ellis is inserted at the beginning (f. ii). A later owner was Sir Henry St. John Mildmay, Bart., of Dogmersfield, co. Sontht. (sale-cat.1907, lot 186; bookplate of Dogmerslield Library inside cover). "God for hys grace