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Cause Papers in the Diocesan Courts of the Archbishopric of York, 1300-1858 icon

Cause Papers in the Diocesan Courts of the Archbishopric of York, 1300-1858

200 results from this resource . Displaying 141 to 160

Role: promoting parties Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: RobertEasingwold [Esyngwald] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Notes: After John Stanton died, Easingwold took over the suit. Participant: WilliamDriffield [Dryffeld] Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor

Place(s): Sheriff Hutton (Shirefhoton) : undefined Notes: Cannot identify the surname 'Stirtill' Participant: AliceStirtill [Stirtill] Alternate name: Alice wife of John Role: witness Details: female; 20 Location: Sheriff Hutton (YorkshireNorthRiding) Place(s): Sheriff Hutton (Shirefhoton) : undefined Notes: Cannot identify the

sentence Outcome: Date: 1476 — 1477 People & Places Participant: ElizabethSouthall [Suthel; Sothell] Role: plaintiff Details: female; daughter of John Southall Location: Barwick In Elmet (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Lazencroft (Lasyngcroft, Lasyngecroft) : undefined Participant: ThomasGascoign [Gaston; Gascongius; Gascoigne] Role: defendant Details:

proctor Details: male Employment: Notary Public Participant: Thomas Boothroyd [Boterode] Role: witness Details: male Location: Bilton (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Bilton (Byrtton) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Marshall [Marshall] Role: witness Details: male Location: Leeds (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Leeds (Ledys) : ecclesiastical parish

defendant Details: male Location: York (Ebor') : undefined Participant: Isabelle Holm [de Holm; de Holme] Role: plaintiff Details: female Participant: John Stanton [de Stanton] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Notes: Proctor for Ellen Layermouth. Participant: Nicholas Easingwold

No deposition; No libel; No sentence Outcome: Date: 17/10/1390 — 23/01/1390 People & Places Participant: John Carnaby [Carnaby; de Carnaby; Karneby; Karnaby] Role: plaintiff Details: male; esquire Participant: JoanMounceaux [Mounceaux; Mownceaux] Role: defendant Details: female; noblewoman, lady of Barmston Location:

Details: male; cordewaner Employment: servant of John Bown Location: York (Ebor') : undefined Participant: MargaretBarker [Barker; Barkar] Role: plaintiff Details: female Location: York (Ebor') : undefined Notes: This deponent is described as staying with John Marshall, tailor, in York. Participant:

[Bransby; Brandysby] Role: witness Details: male Employment: Butcher (bucher) Location: York (Ebor') : undefined Place(s): York, St John (micklegate) (Yorkshire) York, St John (Micklegate) (Sanctus Johannes ad finem pontis Use) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: StephenShutt [Shut] Role: witness Details: male

EllenHancock [Hancoke; Hankok] Role: defendant Details: female; Widow of John Cook Location: Sutton On Derwent (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Sutton on Derwent (Sutton super Darwentt) : ecclesiastical parish Notes: Widow and executrix of John Cook. Participant: JohnCook [Cooke; Cook; Coke] Role: testator

Participant: John Glisson [Glyson] Role: witness Details: male; 60 Employment: free Location: Blyth (Nottinghamshire) Place(s): Blyth (Blyth) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: Thomas Herd [Hyrd] Role: witness Details: male; 60; free Location: Blackburn (Lancashire) Place(s): Osbaldeston (Osbaldstone) : township Participant: John

wife of JohnGray [Gray; Grey] Role: plaintiff Details: female; Daughter of John Norman Participant: JohnNorman [Norman] Role: defendant Details: male Employment: merchant Notes: Executor of the testament of John Norman of New Malton. Participant: JohnNorman [Norman] Role: testator Details: male;

Employment: archdeacon of Nottingham Location: Nottinghamshire Place(s): Nottingham (Notyngham, Notynghame) : undefined Participant: John Rawcliff [de Roucyff] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Stanton [de Stanton] Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: Thomas

— 16/11/1403 People & Places Participant: prior and brethren of the hospital of St John of Jerusalem Role: plaintiff Details: undefined Location: Hospital of St John of Jerusalem (sanctus johannes jerosolamitani, hospitale sanctus johannis jerusalem' in Anglia, conventus hospitale sancti

York, St Peter The Little (Yorkshire) Place(s): York, St Peter The Little (beatus petrus le litell) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Goathland [de Gotheland] Role: plaintiff Details: male; clerk Employment: chantry chaplain in St Peter the Little Location: York, St

White Annays Role: defendant Details: male Participant: Henry Axholme [de Haxholm] Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Stanton [de Stanton] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: Gilbert son of Henry Role: witness Details:

Role: defendant Details: undefined Location: York (Ebor') : diocese Place(s): Ayton (YorkshireNorthRiding) Ayton (ecclesia paroch' de Aton) : undefined Participant: John Dalton [de Dalton] Role: defendant Details: male; clerk Employment: official of the Court of Durham Participant: Randolph Steel [Steel;

JoanBrown [Brown; Browne] Role: defendant Details: female; Widow of John Parsloe Location: Keighley (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Keighley (Kighley, Kyghley) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: ThomasParsloe [Paslowe] Role: testator Details: male; deceased; son of John Parsloe, deceased. Participant: JohnParsloe [Paslow; Paslowe] Role: testator

Oswaldkirk (YorkshireNorthRiding) Place(s): Oswaldkirk (Oswaldekyrk, Oswaldkirk, Oswaldkirke) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: RobertSproxton [de Sproxton] Role: witness Details: male; 60 Participant: John Harome [de Harum] Role: witness Details: male; 40 Participant: Robert Wolf [Wolf] Role: witness Details: male; 40 Participant: Thomas

Employment: proctor Participant: William Wild [Wylde] Role: witness Details: male Participant: Richard Ventress [de Fentrice] Role: witness Details: male Participant: John Shepard [Schephyrd] Role: witness Details: male Location: Marton (YorkshireNorthRiding) Place(s): Tollesby (Tollesby) : township Location: Cawood (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Cawood

Willelmi de Austrefeld; uxor Willelmi Austerfeld] Role: defendant Details: female Location: Tickhill (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Tickhill (Tykhill) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Rawcliff [de Rouclif] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: Henry Axholme [de Haxholm] Role: defence proctor

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