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Cause Papers in the Diocesan Courts of the Archbishopric of York, 1300-1858 icon

Cause Papers in the Diocesan Courts of the Archbishopric of York, 1300-1858

23 results from this resource . Displaying 1 to 20

Participant: John Rollnethebince [Rollnethebince] Role: witness Details: male; 28; free Location: Beverley, St John (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Beverley (Beverlaco) : town Notes: Cannot identify surname 'Rollnethebince'. Participant: William Young [Yonge] Role: witness Details: male; 30; free Location: Beverley, St John (YorkshireEastRiding)

of Joan Sherwod. Location: York (Ebor') : undefined Participant: RichardYork [York] Role: witness Details: male; 35 Location: York, St John (micklegate) (Yorkshire) Place(s): York, St John (Micklegate) (Sanctus Johannes Evangelista ad pontem Use) : ecclesiastical parish York (Ebor') : undefined

Role: defendant Details: male Location: Catton With Stamford Bridge (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Catton with Stamford Bridge (Catton) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Hornby [Horneby] Role: defendant Details: male Location: Catton With Stamford Bridge (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Catton with Stamford Bridge (Stamefordbrigge) :

identify the surname 'Sklat'. Participant: John Sampson [Samson] Role: witness Details: male; 50 Location: Farnley (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Farnley (Farneley) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: George Simpson [Symson] Role: witness Details: male; clerk Employment: Chaplain Participant: John Idle [Ydille] Role: witness Details:

male Participant: ThomasBurgh [Burgh; Burghe] Role: defendant Details: male Notes: The debt appears to have been owed to the late John Burgh, presumably a relative of the defendant. Participant: HenryHulk [Hulke] Role: witness Details: male; 36 Location: Kingston Upon Hull,

Skipton (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Skipton (Skipton) : ecclesiastical parish Location: Skipton (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Skipton (Skipton in Craven) : ecclesiastical parish Chapel of St John the Evangelist in Skipton Castle (capella sancti Johannis Evangelistes infra castellum de Skipton in Craven) : undefined

PercivalAmyas [Amyas] Role: plaintiff Details: male Notes: Executor of the testament of John Lacey, deceased. Participant: GilbertLacey [Lacy] Role: plaintiff Details: male Notes: Executor of the testament of John Lacey, deceased. Participant: EdwardPilkington [Pilkyngton; Pilkyngton] Role: defendant Details: male Notes:

Place(s): Sheriff Hutton (Shirefhoton) : undefined Notes: Cannot identify the surname 'Stirtill' Participant: AliceStirtill [Stirtill] Alternate name: Alice wife of John Role: witness Details: female; 20 Location: Sheriff Hutton (YorkshireNorthRiding) Place(s): Sheriff Hutton (Shirefhoton) : undefined Notes: Cannot identify the

sentence Outcome: Date: 1476 — 1477 People & Places Participant: ElizabethSouthall [Suthel; Sothell] Role: plaintiff Details: female; daughter of John Southall Location: Barwick In Elmet (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Lazencroft (Lasyngcroft, Lasyngecroft) : undefined Participant: ThomasGascoign [Gaston; Gascongius; Gascoigne] Role: defendant Details:

proctor Details: male Employment: Notary Public Participant: Thomas Boothroyd [Boterode] Role: witness Details: male Location: Bilton (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Bilton (Byrtton) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Marshall [Marshall] Role: witness Details: male Location: Leeds (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Leeds (Ledys) : ecclesiastical parish

Participant: John Glisson [Glyson] Role: witness Details: male; 60 Employment: free Location: Blyth (Nottinghamshire) Place(s): Blyth (Blyth) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: Thomas Herd [Hyrd] Role: witness Details: male; 60; free Location: Blackburn (Lancashire) Place(s): Osbaldeston (Osbaldstone) : township Participant: John

wife of JohnGray [Gray; Grey] Role: plaintiff Details: female; Daughter of John Norman Participant: JohnNorman [Norman] Role: defendant Details: male Employment: merchant Notes: Executor of the testament of John Norman of New Malton. Participant: JohnNorman [Norman] Role: testator Details: male;

JoanBrown [Brown; Browne] Role: defendant Details: female; Widow of John Parsloe Location: Keighley (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Keighley (Kighley, Kyghley) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: ThomasParsloe [Paslowe] Role: testator Details: male; deceased; son of John Parsloe, deceased. Participant: JohnParsloe [Paslow; Paslowe] Role: testator

24 Location: Patrington (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Patrington (Patryngton) : undefined Location: Beverley : town Place(s): BeverleyGuildhall of the Fraternity of St John the Baptist (aula gilde Sancti Johannis, coquina aule gilde Sancti Johannis Baptiste, aula gilde sive fraternitatis Beati Johannis Baptiste)

sentence is confirmed Date: 09/12/1455 — 09/07/1456 People & Places Participant: WilliamTurpin [Turpyn] Role: plaintiff Details: male Employment: servant of John Wright Location: Fishlake (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Fishlake (Fysshelake, Fisschelake) : undefined York (Ebor') : diocese Participant: WilliamYerwith [Yerwith; Yarwith; Yarewith;

& Places Participant: RobertHartley [Hartelay] Role: plaintiff Details: male Employment: servant Participant: JoanBrown [Browne] Role: defendant Details: female; widow of John Parsloe Location: Keighley (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Keighley (Kighley) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: ThomasJenkinson [Jenkynson] Role: witness Details: male; 50 Location:

libel; Has sentence Outcome:plaintiff, Agnes Barber, loses; plaintiff, Margaret Thwing wins; marriage between Margaret and John Kirkby to be solemnized in church. Date: 07/03/1438 — 16/04/1439 People & Places Participant: AgnesBarber [Barbour; Barebour] Role: plaintiff Details: female Location: York (Ebor')

Halsham (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Halsham (Halsham, Halseham, Halshame) : ecclesiastical parish Notes: Executrix of the testament of her late husband, Sir John Constable, knight. Participant: RandolphConstable [Constable] Role: witness Details: male; 36; esquire Location: Swine (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Swine (Swyne in Holdernes)

Role: witness Details: female Location: York (Ebor') : undefined Participant: EllenStockton [Stokton] Role: witness Details: female; 24 Employment: servant of John Bedale, citizen and merchant of York Location: York (Ebor') : undefined Participant: MilesSmithies [de la Smythey] Role: witness Details:

(Lancashire) Place(s): Aughton (Aghton) : township Location: Blackburn (Lancashire) Place(s): Billington (Billyngton) : township Location: Lancashire Place(s): Chapelry of St John (capella Sancti Johannis del Stede) : chapelry Extra-parochial Location: Whalley (Lancashire) Place(s): Pendleton (Pendilton) : township Location: Lancaster (Lancashire)

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