Your search found 28 results in 1 resource
481-482. Wright, C. E. 1960. English Vernacular Hands from the Twelfth to the Fifteenth Centuries , Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 14. Wright, T. ed, 1839. Political Songs of England, John to Edward II , Camden Society, 6, London: Camden Society.
& anglice'. 'Absintheum amarum deu maners gallice aoyne anglice weremod'. Late fourteenth-century alphabet of herbs. Latin English French ff. 13r-57r John Lelamoure, of Hereford Translation of Aemilius Macer's De virtutibus herbarum 'Ache is hote'. 'He prayeth with all his hart
Latin in ?two later hands. Good. Unknown F. 2r: ' W. Sancroft ' written on top fore edge. F. 107r: John Robinson wrote 'Iohannes Robinsonus me possidet' in a c. sixteenth/seventeenth-century hand. F. 107r: various inscriptions by Richard Horne -
33; Holkham Hall, Wells, Norfolk, Library of the Earl of Leicester, MS 668; London, College of Arms, MS 57; Manchester, John Rylands University Library, MS English 50; New Haven, Yale University Library, MS Osborn a 13; Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS
by some branches of the Weeks family (Manly and Rickert. 1940. p. 57). F. 259v 'Per me Iohannem Wekes' ( John Wekes ) written in a late sixteenth-century hand. The same hand also wrote an English couplet and a prologue
cccc mo . xlj o '. From this evidence it is apparent that the initial owner and scribe was one John Graseley . Later in the library of the Mercer Henderson family at Fordell House, Inverkeithing, co. Fife; inherited by
Catalogued and encoded: Rebecca Farnham, University of Birmingham, June 2004. Baugh, N. S., ed, 1956. A Worcestershire Miscellany, Compiled by John Northwood, c. 1400, edited from British Museum MS Add. 37,787 , Philadelphia: prvt prt. Conlee, J. W, ed. 1991.
, Notes & Queries , 232, 154-6. Power, D., ed., 1910. Treatises of Fistula in Ano haemorrhoids, and clysters; by John Arderne from an early fifteenth-century manuscript. , EETS, os, 139, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Tr ü bner. Stephens, G.