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British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts icon

British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

2020 results from this resource . Displaying 161 to 5

16th century: inscribed several times with his name (ff. 34v, 59, 63, 81v, etc.).Listing of names, 16th century: 'John Hemys(?), John hill(?), John tomson(?), Robard Ward(?)' (f. 82).John McCarthy(?), 16th century: inscribed his name (f. 72v).Added tabula (f. 1) signed

16th century: inscribed several times with his name (ff. 34v, 59, 63, 81v, etc.).Listing of names, 16th century: 'John Hemys(?), John hill(?), John tomson(?), Robard Ward(?)' (f. 82).John McCarthy(?), 16th century: inscribed his name (f. 72v).Added tabula (f. 1) signed

16th century: inscribed several times with his name (ff. 34v, 59, 63, 81v, etc.).Listing of names, 16th century: 'John Hemys(?), John hill(?), John tomson(?), Robard Ward(?)' (f. 82).John McCarthy(?), 16th century: inscribed his name (f. 72v).Added tabula (f. 1) signed

16th century: inscribed several times with his name (ff. 34v, 59, 63, 81v, etc.).Listing of names, 16th century: 'John Hemys(?), John hill(?), John tomson(?), Robard Ward(?)' (f. 82).John McCarthy(?), 16th century: inscribed his name (f. 72v).Added tabula (f. 1) signed

hand 'John' (f. 183v) and ' In the name of God a / men the XIIth days / of mays in the yare / y y y / in the name of god amen' (f. 3v) c. 1500. John Theyer

Cause Papers in the Diocesan Courts of the Archbishopric of York, 1300-1858 icon

Cause Papers in the Diocesan Courts of the Archbishopric of York, 1300-1858

2 results from this resource . Displaying 161 to 2

sentence is confirmed Date: 09/12/1455 — 09/07/1456 People & Places Participant: WilliamTurpin [Turpyn] Role: plaintiff Details: male Employment: servant of John Wright Location: Fishlake (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Fishlake (Fysshelake, Fisschelake) : undefined York (Ebor') : diocese Participant: WilliamYerwith [Yerwith; Yarwith; Yarewith;

Role: witness Details: female Location: York (Ebor') : undefined Participant: EllenStockton [Stokton] Role: witness Details: female; 24 Employment: servant of John Bedale, citizen and merchant of York Location: York (Ebor') : undefined Participant: MilesSmithies [de la Smythey] Role: witness Details:

Manuscripts of the West Midlands icon

Manuscripts of the West Midlands

23 results from this resource . Displaying 161 to 5

Manuscript not consulted. Book written for John Dedwood of Chester c. 1470 (see Macaulay 1899-1902, p. clxiii). Dedwood's name and device, a piece of the trunk of a dead tree, appear on f. 1. John Dedwood is listed as Sheriff

Blandus', f. 127v; John lyenell : f. 1v - 'John lyenell'; John Russel : eighteenth century - f. 1v, 124v, 127v - 'John Russel'; John Pygyn eighteenth/nineteenth century - f. 1r, 1v, 2r, 127v - 'John pygyn'; John Legus :

Instructions for Parish Priests by John Myrc: edited from Cotton MS. Claudius A. II , EETS, os, 31, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Tr ü bner. Peacock, E. ed. 1868. Instructions for Parish Priests by John Myrc , EETS, os, 31,

23v, ' John Longley ' (?Langley Green, extreme W. Worcs). See also Seymour 1966 for more details, p. 192. Catalogued and encoded: Rebecca Farnham, University of Birmingham, March 2004. Bennett, J. A. W. 1954. The Rediscovery of Sir John Mandeville

4. . Powell, S. 1991. ‘ John Mirk ‘ s Festial and the Pastoral Programme ’ , Leeds Studies in English , 22, 85-102. Wakelin, M. F. 1967. ‘ The Manuscripts of John Mirk ’ s Festial ’ ,

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