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British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

396 results from this resource . Displaying 221 to 240
  • Detail of a bas-de-page scene of a woman with a dog near a rabbit warren., Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals') (external link no longer available)

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

  • Detail of a bas-de-page scene of three men on one side of a tree, and another man opposite., Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals') (external link no longer available)

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

  • Detail of a bas-de-page scene of a king, two other men, and hounds., Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals') (external link no longer available)

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

  • Detail of a bas-de-page scene of a man holding clothes, near two women., Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals') (external link no longer available)

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

  • Detail of a bas-de-page scene of a spoonbill., Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals') (external link no longer available)

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

  • Detail of a bas-de-page scene of a woman offering a loaf to a cleric., Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals') (external link no longer available)

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

  • Detail of a bas-de-page scene of a woman offering food to a man., Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals') (external link no longer available)

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

  • Detail of a bas-de-page scene of two men, one in a hood., Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals') (external link no longer available)

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

  • Detail of a bas-de-page scene of a hooded man leading a man before another., Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals') (external link no longer available)

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

  • Detail of a bas-de-page scene of a man with another hooded man, and a man with rabbit ears., Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals') (external link no longer available)

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

  • Detail of a bas-de-page scene of one man showing a treasure to another., Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals') (external link no longer available)

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

  • Detail of a bas-de-page scene of a rabbit-eared man addressing a man with a hooded man., Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals') (external link no longer available)

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

  • Detail of a bas-de-page scene of a man and a rabbit-eared man seated., Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals') (external link no longer available)

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

  • Historiated initial 'I' with the coat of arms of Bury St Edmunds (~azure~ three imperial crowns ~or~ two and one) and foliate feathering at the beginning of the first poem., Collection of 45 minor poems including The Legend of Saint Austin at Compton (ff. 24-32), The Testament of Dan John Lydgate (ff. 47-66v), Fabula duorum mercatorum (ff. 72-88), and the Hood of Green (ff. 153v-156v), imperfect (external link no longer available)

112-157). Collection of 45 minor poems including The Legend of Saint Austin at Compton (ff. 24-32), The Testament of Dan John Lydgate (ff. 47-66v), Fabula duorum mercatorum (ff. 72-88), and the Hood of Green (ff. 153v-156v), imperfect ? The Benedictine

  • Detail of an historiated initial 'I' with the coat of arms of Bury St Edmunds (~azure~ three imperial crowns ~or~ two and one) and foliate feathering at the beginning of the first poem., Collection of 45 minor poems including The Legend of Saint Austin at Compton (ff. 24-32), The Testament of Dan John Lydgate (ff. 47-66v), Fabula duorum mercatorum (ff. 72-88), and the Hood of Green (ff. 153v-156v), imperfect (external link no longer available)

112-157). Collection of 45 minor poems including The Legend of Saint Austin at Compton (ff. 24-32), The Testament of Dan John Lydgate (ff. 47-66v), Fabula duorum mercatorum (ff. 72-88), and the Hood of Green (ff. 153v-156v), imperfect ? The Benedictine

  • Paraphs with pen-flourishing including a bird., Collection of 45 minor poems including The Legend of Saint Austin at Compton (ff. 24-32), The Testament of Dan John Lydgate (ff. 47-66v), Fabula duorum mercatorum (ff. 72-88), and the Hood of Green (ff. 153v-156v), imperfect (external link no longer available)

112-157). Collection of 45 minor poems including The Legend of Saint Austin at Compton (ff. 24-32), The Testament of Dan John Lydgate (ff. 47-66v), Fabula duorum mercatorum (ff. 72-88), and the Hood of Green (ff. 153v-156v), imperfect ? The Benedictine

  • 'Champ' initials with foliate feathering and paraph with pen-flourishing in the Fifteen Oes of St Bridget., Collection of 45 minor poems including The Legend of Saint Austin at Compton (ff. 24-32), The Testament of Dan John Lydgate (ff. 47-66v), Fabula duorum mercatorum (ff. 72-88), and the Hood of Green (ff. 153v-156v), imperfect (external link no longer available)

112-157). Collection of 45 minor poems including The Legend of Saint Austin at Compton (ff. 24-32), The Testament of Dan John Lydgate (ff. 47-66v), Fabula duorum mercatorum (ff. 72-88), and the Hood of Green (ff. 153v-156v), imperfect ? The Benedictine

  • 'Champ' initial 'G'(rounde) with foliate feathering and paraphs with pen-flourishing., Collection of 45 minor poems including The Legend of Saint Austin at Compton (ff. 24-32), The Testament of Dan John Lydgate (ff. 47-66v), Fabula duorum mercatorum (ff. 72-88), and the Hood of Green (ff. 153v-156v), imperfect (external link no longer available)

112-157). Collection of 45 minor poems including The Legend of Saint Austin at Compton (ff. 24-32), The Testament of Dan John Lydgate (ff. 47-66v), Fabula duorum mercatorum (ff. 72-88), and the Hood of Green (ff. 153v-156v), imperfect ? The Benedictine

  • Detail of an illuminated initial 'S'(aepe) at the beginning of Tacitus' Dialogus de oratoribus., De grammaticis et rhetoribus (ff. 2-14v); Dialogus de oratoribus (ff. 15-42v) (external link no longer available)

in the other colour. De grammaticis et rhetoribus (ff. 2-14v); Dialogus de oratoribus (ff. 15-42v) Written by John Free, probably in Padua, for John Tiptoft, earl of Worcester (b. 1427, d. 1470), administrator and humanist: his arms and crest (f.

  • Miniature of a bloodletting man., Physician's folding almanac, including Somer's 'Calendar' (ff. B-E, i.e. 9-6), diagrams of solar and lunar eclipses from 1398 to 1462 (ff. G-I, i.e. 4-2), and Grosseteste's 'De prognosticatione aeri', abridged (f. K, i.e. 1) (external link no longer available)

a bloodletting man. John Somer's calendar provides lunar conjunctions of the 19-year Metonic cycle beginning on 1387, 1406, 1425, 1444. The saints in the calendar correspond to those in calendars for the use of Sarum produced in Southern England.One of

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