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Cause Papers in the Diocesan Courts of the Archbishopric of York, 1300-1858 icon

Cause Papers in the Diocesan Courts of the Archbishopric of York, 1300-1858

5 results from this resource . Displaying 161 to 5

male Participant: ThomasBurgh [Burgh; Burghe] Role: defendant Details: male Notes: The debt appears to have been owed to the late John Burgh, presumably a relative of the defendant. Participant: HenryHulk [Hulke] Role: witness Details: male; 36 Location: Kingston Upon Hull,

PercivalAmyas [Amyas] Role: plaintiff Details: male Notes: Executor of the testament of John Lacey, deceased. Participant: GilbertLacey [Lacy] Role: plaintiff Details: male Notes: Executor of the testament of John Lacey, deceased. Participant: EdwardPilkington [Pilkyngton; Pilkyngton] Role: defendant Details: male Notes:

JoanBrown [Brown; Browne] Role: defendant Details: female; Widow of John Parsloe Location: Keighley (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Keighley (Kighley, Kyghley) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: ThomasParsloe [Paslowe] Role: testator Details: male; deceased; son of John Parsloe, deceased. Participant: JohnParsloe [Paslow; Paslowe] Role: testator

& Places Participant: RobertHartley [Hartelay] Role: plaintiff Details: male Employment: servant Participant: JoanBrown [Browne] Role: defendant Details: female; widow of John Parsloe Location: Keighley (YorkshireWestRiding) Place(s): Keighley (Kighley) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: ThomasJenkinson [Jenkynson] Role: witness Details: male; 50 Location:

Halsham (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Halsham (Halsham, Halseham, Halshame) : ecclesiastical parish Notes: Executrix of the testament of her late husband, Sir John Constable, knight. Participant: RandolphConstable [Constable] Role: witness Details: male; 36; esquire Location: Swine (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Swine (Swyne in Holdernes)

British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts icon

British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

203 results from this resource . Displaying 161 to 5

this and the subsequent provenance suggests an origin in London.? John Smith, London, 16th century: a memorandum records that '… I, John Fysh(?), Dyer of London doythe owe unto John Smith of London cloth worker the some of 2s xd

this and the subsequent provenance suggests an origin in London.? John Smith, London, 16th century: a memorandum records that '… I, John Fysh(?), Dyer of London doythe owe unto John Smith of London cloth worker the some of 2s xd

of the moon and movement of the sun, of John Killingworth's Planetary Tables. Contents:John Killingworth, Tables according to the Use of the University of Oxford (ff. 3-32), prefaced by Canons attributed to Master Thomas Pray (ff. 1v-2v);Astrological tables with images

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