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British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts icon

British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

492 results from this resource . Displaying 21 to 40
  • Miniature of the Circumcision of Christ, and below, the Holy Family leaving the stable to go to the Temple, with an illuminated initial 'D'(eus)., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

  • Miniature of the Magi and their train, and below, the Adorqation of the Magi, with an illuminated initial 'D'(eus)., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

  • Miniature of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, and below, Mary wrapping the infant Christ in swaddling clothes, with an illuminated initial 'D'(eus)., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

  • Miniature of the Massacre of the Innocents, and below, the Flight into Egypt, with an illuminated initial 'D'(eus)., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

  • Miniature of Job on the dungheap, being visited by his friends, and below, Job being tormented and beaten by demons, with an illuminated initial 'V'(enite)., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

  • Miniature of David and Goliath, and below, David being anointed by Saul, with an illuminated initial 'D'(omine)., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

  • Historiated initial 'D'(eum) of the archangel Michael., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and of

  • Historiated initial 'D'(atria) of standing prophets, and historiated initial 'O' of James., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

  • Historiated initial 'D'(eum) of standing Apostles, including Peter with a key and an open book., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

  • Historiated initial 'I' of standing martyrs, and a historiated initial 'S'(tephanus) of the martyred Stephen with a rock upon his head., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

  • Historiated initial 'O'(ra) of a martyred Sebastian, shot through with arrows, and an historiated initial 'S' of Laurence holding a book and his grill., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

  • Historiated initial 'A'(perare) of Adrian holding a sword., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and of

  • Historiated initial 'M'(agnus) of Christopher carrying the Christ child, and an historiated initial 'I' of Claud as a bishop, blessing a kneeling man., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

  • Historiated initial 'V'(ox) of Anthony as a desert hermit., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

  • Historiated initial 'A'(micus) of Nicholas and the three boys, and an historiated initial 'A'(ue) of Roche., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

  • Historiated initial 'D' of the Blessed Innocent in a bishop's mitre., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

  • Historiated initial 'C'(eleste) of Anne teaching the Virgin to read., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

  • Historiated initial 'O' of the Holy Virgins in prayer., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

  • Historaited initial 'V'(irgo) or Katherine with a crown, sword, and martyr's palm, and an historiated initial 'V'(eni) of Barbara with her tower behind her., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

  • Historiated initial 'O' of Genevieve with a taper and an open book., Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Tilliot Hours') (external link no longer available)

the Trinity (using masculine forms) (f. 7r-v); f. 8r-v is ruled, otherwise blank; Gospel extracts (ff. 9-12v); the Passion narrative (John 18:1-19:42), followed by a prayer (ff. 13-19); the Hours of the Virgin, with the Hours of the Cross and

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