- Coloured initials with the hymns for vespers on the day for the commemoration of the birth of Cuthbert. The words of the songs are written in black, while the terms identifying them (such as 'a' for 'antiphon', 'pt' for 'psalm' or 'responsory') are written in red. Above each line, the music is written in Breton neumes., Lives of Cuthbert in prose (ff. 2-42v) and verse (ff. 45-62v), with services for Cuthbert, Benedict and Guthlac with musical notation (ff. 43-44; 63-66)
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Coloured initials with the hymns for vespers on the day for the commemoration of the birth of Cuthbert. The words of the songs are written in black, while the terms identifying them (such as 'a' for 'antiphon', 'pt' for