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British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

806 results from this resource . Displaying 161 to 180
  • Puzzle initial and inhabited initial at the prologue and beginning of Judith., Bible (with Psalms) and Interpretation of Hebrew Names, imperfect (external link no longer available)

1659 'Joh[ann]es Covel xpti. Coll. Soc. 1659 mnemosunon [in Greek] Tho: Hu:’ (f. 1). No. XXVI (f. [ii]) corresponds to John Covel's numbering system in his catalogue (Add. 22911, ff. 180-183) where this manuscript is no. 26 in the Latin

  • Calendar with diagrams of lunar eclipses., Scientific miscellany, including a calendar (from 1387 to 1462) (ff. 2-14), Canon minoris calendarii and Canon majoris calendarii by John Somer (ff. 16-18), treatise on the use of the astrolabe attributed to Simon de Bredon (ff. 24v-28), various other astrological tables and treatises (external link no longer available)

red. Scientific miscellany, including a calendar (from 1387 to 1462) (ff. 2-14), Canon minoris calendarii and Canon majoris calendarii by John Somer (ff. 16-18), treatise on the use of the astrolabe attributed to Simon de Bredon (ff. 24v-28), various other

  • Zoomorphic initial with interlace at the beginning of John 18., Extracts from the Gospels and prayers ('The Book of Nunnaminster') (external link no longer available)

at the beginning of John 18. One of a group of Southumbrian prayerbooks of the "Tiberius" group, the others being Harley 7653, and Cambridge, Cambridge University Library, MS Ll.1.10 (Book of Cerne). All, except Cerne, exhibit linguistic features which raise

  • Miniature of John, holding a manuscript, seated at a lecturn., Gospels (the 'Cologne Gospels') with prologue, argumentum, and the Capitulare evangelorum (external link no longer available)

of John, holding a manuscript, seated at a lecturn. Manuscripts with similar decorative programme include Berlin, Kupferstich-Kabinett, 78.A.3 (147) and Stuttgart, Landesbibliothek, Cod. Bibl. Pal. 21 from St Gereon, Cologne.A miniature of Christ in Majesty originally may have faced f.

  • Zoomorphic initial 'Q'(uid) formed by two dragons biting each other's tails, at the beginning of homily 9 in the second book of Gregory the Great's Homilies on Ezekiel., Homilies on Ezekiel (external link no longer available)

Brander (b. 1719/20, d. 1787), merchant and antiquary: his sale, 8 February 1790, lot 1124, bought by Shaw for 10s. John Topham (b. 1746, d. 1803), antiquary, (bookplate with his arms and ‘John Topham Esq.’, f. 1v): his sale, 9

  • Zoomorphic initial 'Q'(uid) formed by two dragons biting each other's tails, at the beginning of homily 9 in the second book of Gregory the Great's Homilies on Ezekiel., Homilies on Ezekiel (external link no longer available)

Brander (b. 1719/20, d. 1787), merchant and antiquary: his sale, 8 February 1790, lot 1124, bought by Shaw for 10s. John Topham (b. 1746, d. 1803), antiquary, (bookplate with his arms and ‘John Topham Esq.’, f. 1v): his sale, 9

  • Zoomorphic initial 'M'(agnitudo) in dark brown ink, red and green and some blue, with knot-work and foliate motifs, in the shape of a grotesque(s)., De mysteriis (ff. 1-4v); De sacramentis (ff. 4v-16v); Sermo de corpore et sanguine Domini (serm. 17, ff. 16v-18v); Contra Iouinianum (ff. 18v-69v); Hypomnesticon (ff. 69v-90) (external link no longer available)

of the abbot of St Albans in 1401 (ff. 1*, 91): see Thomson 1982, I, p. 92. John Beriman (?), 16th century: inscribed 'John ?Beriman owneth this boke' (f. 2*v).Added note, early 16th century (f. 90v). Edward Stillingfleet (b. 1635,

  • Zoomorphic initial 'I' in dark brown ink, red and green and some blue, with knot-work and foliate motifs, in the shape of a bird., De mysteriis (ff. 1-4v); De sacramentis (ff. 4v-16v); Sermo de corpore et sanguine Domini (serm. 17, ff. 16v-18v); Contra Iouinianum (ff. 18v-69v); Hypomnesticon (ff. 69v-90) (external link no longer available)

of the abbot of St Albans in 1401 (ff. 1*, 91): see Thomson 1982, I, p. 92. John Beriman (?), 16th century: inscribed 'John ?Beriman owneth this boke' (f. 2*v).Added note, early 16th century (f. 90v). Edward Stillingfleet (b. 1635,

  • Text page with note on Johannes de Grenborough, purchaser and compiler of this manuscript., Compendium seu Lilium medicinae (ff. 5-127) with a composite miscellany of scientific tracts, medical recipes and charms (external link no longer available)

Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6594.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, appraised in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix 70, no. 28.Charles

  • Puzzle initial 'A' at the beginning of the Compendium, initials and inscriptions., Compendium seu Lilium medicinae (ff. 5-127) with a composite miscellany of scientific tracts, medical recipes and charms (external link no longer available)

Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6594.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, appraised in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix 70, no. 28.Charles

  • Astrological tables concerning the moon and a diagram of four wheels, Compendium seu Lilium medicinae (ff. 5-127) with a composite miscellany of scientific tracts, medical recipes and charms (external link no longer available)

Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6594.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, appraised in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix 70, no. 28.Charles

  • Text page with recipes in English compiled by Ricardus, prior of Coventry., Compendium seu Lilium medicinae (ff. 5-127) with a composite miscellany of scientific tracts, medical recipes and charms (external link no longer available)

Sheldonian, '1697', but 1698?), II, no. 6594.Robert Scott (b. c. 1632, d. 1709/10), London bookseller: included in the catalogue of John Theyer’s manuscripts in his possession, appraised in 1678 by William Beveridge and William Jane, Royal Appendix 70, no. 28.Charles

  • Following the end of the Gospel of John on the last page of the manuscript is a detailed note, beginning 'Or(ait) do Maelbrigte hua Maeluanaig q(u)i scribsit h(un)c librum . . .' (Pray for Maelbrigte hua Maeluanaig, who wrote this book . . .). The note mentions various people, places, and events, which allow the dating of the manuscript to 1138., Gospels of Maelbrigte (the 'Armagh Gospels'; 'Marelbrid Gospels'), with glosses (external link no longer available)

of the Gospel of John on the last page of the manuscript is a detailed note, beginning 'Or(ait) do Maelbrigte hua Maeluanaig q(u)i scribsit h(un)c librum . . .' (Pray for Maelbrigte hua Maeluanaig, who wrote this book . .

  • Decorated initials 'IN' and 'P'(rincipio) at the beginning of the Gospel of John., Gospels of Maelbrigte (the 'Armagh Gospels'; 'Marelbrid Gospels'), with glosses (external link no longer available)

the beginning of the Gospel of John. According to Glunz, with marginal and interlinear glosses that were read in the cathedral school in Paris in the fourth decade of the 12th century.Henry and Marsh-Micheli's Group IVA: 'Middle and Late Twelfth-Century

  • Coloured initials, and, in the right-hand column, an example of a corrected mistake. The scribe left a space for a coloured initial, and wrote the letters 'PM' with an abbreviation mark. The artist later painted a green initial 'S', because 'SPM' is a common abbreviation for 'Spiritum' (Spirit). In fact, the first word of the sentence should be 'Christum' (Christ), which can be represented by the letters 'XPM'. When the mistake was realised, the green 'S' was erased and replaced by a blue 'X'., Homiliary (external link no longer available)

Knott (d. 1687), rector of Combe Raleigh, Devon (1661-1668), antiquary and collector of manuscripts: partially effaced inscription ''Bought of Mr John Long of Dorchester . . . of which I gave . . . 18 of November 166[?] . .

  • Miniature of John the Baptist with staff., Prayer book (The 'Prayer book of Archbishop Arnulph II of Milan') (external link no longer available)

of John the Baptist with staff. Contents include an abbreviated Psalter, consisting of verses selected after the pattern of the so-called 'Psalter of St Jerome' from the Psalms according to the Milanese version (ff. 1-16), processional for Rogationtide, prayers, litany,

  • Miniature of John the Evangelist holding a book., Prayer book (The 'Prayer book of Archbishop Arnulph II of Milan') (external link no longer available)

of John the Evangelist holding a book. Contents include an abbreviated Psalter, consisting of verses selected after the pattern of the so-called 'Psalter of St Jerome' from the Psalms according to the Milanese version (ff. 1-16), processional for Rogationtide, prayers,

  • Coloured initial 'P'(rimus) at the beginning of notes on the compotus, and below, an added list of the archbishops of Canterbury., Treatise on the compotus, 'Ratio Gai cesaris de ordine anni', instructions for the discovery of the age of the moon, a table of moveable feasts, and other texts (external link no longer available)

14th-15th century (f. 1).Added tables to show the dates of Easter from 1406-1433 (f. 13); and from 1420-1447 (f. 13v).? John Trendle, a monk of Christ Church, Canterbury (d. 1433): inscribed 'Quere residuum istius operis in tabula Johannis Trendle' (f.

  • Interlace initials 'D'([omi]no' and 'M'(ulta) at the beginning of Bede's prologue to his verse Life of Cuthbert, addressing a priest named John, who was setting out on a pilgrimage to Rome., Lives of Cuthbert in prose (ff. 2-42v) and verse (ff. 45-62v), with services for Cuthbert, Benedict and Guthlac with musical notation (ff. 43-44; 63-66) (external link no longer available)

prologue to his verse Life of Cuthbert, addressing a priest named John, who was setting out on a pilgrimage to Rome. Wormald Type II(b) initials of heads, interlace in outline, and acanthus foliage.Musical notation: Breton neumes, England (Christ Church –

  • Interlace initial 'H'(ic) with an animal head at the beginning of the common prologue to the Gospel of John., Gospels of Maelbrigte (the 'Armagh Gospels'; 'Marelbrid Gospels'), with glosses (external link no longer available)

beginning of the common prologue to the Gospel of John. According to Glunz, with marginal and interlinear glosses that were read in the cathedral school in Paris in the fourth decade of the 12th century.Henry and Marsh-Micheli's Group IVA: 'Middle

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