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British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

8838 results from this resource . Displaying 161 to 180
  • Detail of a miniature of Conradin and Henry of Spain brought as prisoners to Charles of Anjou., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Miniature of Charles of Anjou defeating Henry of Spain., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Miniature of the death of Manfred in battle., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Miniature of a battle with Conradin., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Miniature of Charles of Anjou driving back Manfred in battle., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Miniature of the battle of Benevento., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Detail of a miniature of a battle during the Civil War in England., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Miniature of Charles of Anjou sailing for Rome and the Pope crowning him., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Miniature of a battle between the Florentines and Sienese., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Detail of a miniature of an attack of the Tartars in the Holy Land, described in a letter received from the pope depicted on the opposite page., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Miniature of Henry III visiting Louis IX, and Henry III at St Denis., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Miniature of Louis IX receiving a letter from the pope., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Miniature of Charles of Anjou addressing the men of Marseilles; miniature of his army., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Detail of a miniature of Louis IX curing scrofula. The only example of this image in a copy of the Grandes Chroniques, and the first representation of the scene. According to tradition after the king's unction with holy oil he will have the ability to cure scrofula, known as the 'king's evil'. The text emphasizes Louis's devotion in that he introduces the sign of the cross into the ritual: King Louis had the custom that while saying the words he always made the sign of the cross which by the virtue of Our Lord cures the sick more than the royal dignity.' (translation in Hedemann 1991 p. 70.), Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Miniatures of Louis IX feeding the poor., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Miniature of Louis IX at confession, and receiving discipline., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Detail of a miniature of Louis IX washing a poor man's feet, and feeding the poor., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Detail of a miniature of Louis IX sailing for France., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Detail of a miniature of the massacre at Sidon, and Louis burying the dead., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

  • Detail of a miniature of Louis IX in front of a fortress, and going on a pilgrimage to Nazareth., Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (external link no longer available)

with dark blue pen-flourishing. Chroniques de France ou de St Denis John(John the Good) (b. 1319, d. 1364), duke of Normandy (1332-1350), and king of France as John II (1350-1364), probably made for him before his accession to the

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