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the foresayde l et res patentes vnto the foresayd John Saynell and John lake as in the releshe of the sayd John n leuenthorp made vnto the foresayd John Saynell and John lake more pleynly is contened of the whilk
prest es Raynald Tolle Nichus Vnderhyll John Fyssher John Newport will a m Cook John Clerk John Skryven will a m Taylo ur Henr Grasseley and willm lorett es say expressely as the said John meu er ell sayd in
the sayde John whitfeld to entre into the sayde halfe of the Man er of Rydale & loghryg w t all the ap ur tinance And the sayde John Flemyng to pay to gros+som to the sayd John whitfeld spacefiller
John Raulyn and John hor heires and hor assignes for eu er -more as in A dede to the foresaides Jenkyn John Raulyn and John therof made more playnly ys made menshone that the saides Jenkyn John Raulyn and
being wytnes Syr John of Peny n gton knyght william Flemy n g John n of Troghton John of wekers Robyn Dicson of Mytyrdale John n Nicholson Richard Nicholson williatear Nicholson John n Scharpe the helder John Scharpe the yonger
of yssu of the same John harryson to the saide John n of Moole and to the ryght heires of hym And also the saide Rauffe Eggerton Roger John n sonde John harryson and John hycokson shall make astate of
said John n Flemyng halfe y e man er of Rydalle and lowghryg w t all y er appurten a nce duryng y e life of y e said John whitfeld payng 3erly y er for to ye said John
Thom Pym Prest Reynold Tolle Nicholas vndurhull John Fyssher John Newport wyllyam Cook John Clerk John Skryven wyllyam Tayllo ur henr Graseley and wyllyam lorett say expressely to our knowlache as the sayde John Meu er ell in his laste
byrlaw john wylson y e son of Richard wylson & john wylson y e son of y e sam john wylfully & reklesly brake puttand yar Catell into y e felde3 be+nyghtertale & wich Catell 1 charytt 1 word john
wyf of ye Said John and John hyr son heir apparent to John abown said . hit ys a-cordyt agret & apoyntyt be-twys ye said elizabeth and John ye son n That yf yt hap ye John of eglesfeld ye
the rigthe heir es ofe the saide John Ande ferthermor the said John willis and graunt es thatt all the landes rentes and tenementes qwilke her-after sall discende or come to the said John be any maner of titill of
the awarde of John n Aldwik & Rob er t Tupp n of hull Thom a s Rotherh a m & John n Freston n of york / that if it so be that the forsade John n Birkyn dy
sent writynge shal come to that y John knyght sumtyme s er u a nt to John Meverell Squyer was with my seyd Mastyr at Stapeley in Chestyr-Shyre in the house of John Rope Squyer and ther my seyd Mastyr
t Robson n of Gateshd Johnet es wyf & John bron potter on ye ta p ar ti And Will ablatson n John Robynson n coliher of Gateshd stephan Walker & John Smyth potter of ye sam ton on ye
ofe kyng henry sexte ye . ix . be-twene John Salkoke one the ta p ar tie ande Thomas lambton one ye todir p ar tie bers+wytnesse . yat ye saide John Salkoke has grauntyde & be this p re
grete endentur of ye mosse betuen sir John Buron and sir John of Assheton awardet be sir John of Stanley blank line follows This endentur beres wittenes y t y er as John of Assheton n Knyght for him &
part 2 The [this is the] reward of John Prio ur of Doresme & Th Prio ur of tynmouth wyth the consent of John Prio ur of gisburgh is this that John Maners forto have gode lordship & Maystership of
es will a m Bodo ur Thomas hore John Cogan will a m Spencer john hawkes John Baiwod and will a m hoton hym complaynyng of a wrongfull distres takyn by John Jay the Eldo ur and harry Chesto ur
a nce dome & awarde of vs the said John Thomas & John of all y e contrauercy variaunce & debate abouesaid ; there we the said John Thomas & John all thair compleyntes answeres & replicacou n s be
and Chapter Muniments, Locellus IX.35 Text: Complaint playntes Prior of lythum [playntes] on s ir John Botiller and sayd last letter unclear, corrected? s ir John manast the prior to dowke hym in the see [& draw don his [horsses]