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The Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse icon

The Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse

323 results from this resource . Displaying 181 to 200

ÞE BUKE OF JOHN MAUNDEUILL SEN yt es so þat þe land beȝond þe see, þat es to say þe land of repromission, þat men calles þe Haly Land , amanges all oþer landes es þe maste worthy land and

riȝtwisnesse, for riȝtwis|nesse is comounly callid al manere of vertue, and so riȝtwisnesse is al manere of mekenesse. And þus John suffride Crist to tak þis servise of him, and ȝit he seide soiþ in wordis þat he spake, for

synful prelat charge men and constreyne to do aȝenst ryȝtwisnesse & helþe of soulis and in X. good conscience; for John v. 19. crist seiþ in þe gospel of seynt ion þat þe sone may not do but þat þing

, and þe saide John his procuratour, fro ' ab impetitione predictorum religio|sorum procuratoris. ' t he impeticion of foresaide religiouse men procuratorye vppon þe arrerages and expenses assoylyng. Þe which our sentence þe saide John , of Read '

his own expense by ' one called John Grime ' ; Foxe, iii, p. 531. that, although he could not read himself, he had heard the fourth part read by ' one John Fuller ' ; ib., p. 532. and

For the reasons stated in the Note on that letter the year must have been 1462 . As to Sir John Beynton, see p. lvi above. From A.C. , xlvi, 56. Rythe wurschypf[ull Co ] syn, I recommaunde me to

of Ascot and Wing who died in 1457 , and mentions in his will Margery his wife, and his sons John Rokes and Robert Rufford . For a lawsuit by his executors see Placita de Banco , 818, m. 41.

in my most hartyest wyse that I beste can or may, sartyfyyng you that I have receyvyd your letter of John Stute and iij coppull of conyes and bald reybbys with the chyk, the whyche I thanke you for als

whyche maister Betson kene tell you more klerly by myn enforme|masyon. And Sir, I beseche your maistershipe to delyver to John Burton the moneye the whyche is dewe to me by your maistershepe: the money amonthe to the Summa x.

a knight. Other refer|ences to Warner ' s financial troubles make this year probable, see Nos. 203, 205-6 and 226. John Twynho occurs as Recorder of Bristol in 1478 (Ricart ' s Kalendar , p. xxiv). From A. C. ,

, was on a Monday " my ffadyr ' s deryge " was on the previous day. John Croke made his will on 26th September , 1477 (proved 19th November 1477 ), presumably he died on 4th October of that

or ye have þe money. I remytte all to your wysdome, and þat I may sone have word fro yow. John Cheynye is owt a hawkyng, as sone as he comyth home I shall delyver yowr letter. The Kyng purposyth

299 itself cannot be fixed, so it is convenient to place both letters here with the other two letters of John Shynner, the vicar of Penton Mewsey Sandes had a place at East Cholderton near Andover and Penton Mewsey (

a Thursday , so that the date of this letter is more probably 1482 . " My lord " is John Russell , bishop of Lincoln . Stallworth was afterwards sub-dean of Lincoln , and pre|bendary of St. Stephen ,

ben worsshypffull, havyng reson wyth them, deservyth lawde and thankes. Wryttyne at Sutton at Hoane , the day afftyr seynt John . By yowr own alwey Phllp. ffytzLowys. To my Ryght worschypffull Cossyn, Syr Willm . Stonner , thys be

almes; not aȝenus þer oune hed, ne aȝenus þer modir hooly chirche. Also bileue in ioons epistle techiþ þat 2 John [10 ] . men shulden not grete siche; but it is more to ȝyue hem almes þan to grete

payd to Couffentre on the more for iiij gesse and ij caponys, ij. s. It., payd the same day to John Yongys weffe and to Blake of Wattelengton ffor egges, ij. s. iiij. d. It., paid the Wednysday ffoloyng for

him to write a letter unto Thomas Hexte, his stuard, so that your londe may be sette. Ther is oon John Wyndbow, which is my lord is tenant, and holdith moche lond of you, he clemyth this londe, sayng that

more schullen þei ben lost þat ben pure lesyngis. Þe secunde tyme, crist seiþ to þe iewis, ȝif ȝe weren John viii. 39. abrahamus children ȝe schulden do werkis of abraham; & þer-fore seiþ austyn wiþ oþere seyntis þat þou

. ] Dixit Jesus Petro . — JOHN xxi. [15. ] ÞIS gospel telliþ how Crist ordeynede Joon to lyve and die, and how Crist wolde þat Joon cam to blisse wiþouten killing. Joon telliþ how Jesus seide to Petir

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