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indento ur . made etwyx S ir John of Penyngton knyght of ye taa par tye and Nicholl Baaroun of ye toyer p ar tye . Berys wyttenes y t ye forsaid sir John has sett & lattyn to ferme
Thom a s Movmford . of . kylnehyrste Gentillman and John . Movmford . hys . son . hase . g ra unt And to ferme . leten to . John . dyson y e son of [dyson] Will a
John Aldestanemor Mair Richard Ru?ssell Will ia m Rowes John of Moreton Henr P re ston Thomas Esyngevald Th Bracebryg beginning of line Bukcy John of Bolton aldermen Guy Ronclyf Recordo ur John Brounflete Will ia m G?illyngton shirrefs
this tyme bitwene John of legh of yo Bothes otherway us cald John of legh of knottesford Thom a s of Snelleston of Snelleston Edward brother of yo saide Thom a s Alisaundre of yo Faloos & John of yo
for oure kepynge J beseke yow of yo ur gude lordschip that thei be no3t Deliuerd vnto my saide John cosyn John Hayton nor to no nother vnto yhe haue sendyng fr me in especiall that it is my wyll
gret jnwhest at mekyllmes fynd es defectyffe jn the fyrst we say y t john studherd maid afray of wyll ia m vnderwod wryght & john studherd had his hed brokynge jn awn defawt jt em will ia m panter
trewe monay to be payde to John of kyngesley of þe Wych Maubanke or to his attorn Jn the feste of Quyssonynday . next comyng as þe same obligacion makes mension The same John g ra ntes that 3if þe
Lascy esquier John Sayvell genttilman William Wylkynson the son of Rob er t Wilkynson n John Wylbe yoman John littister sen yoman will ia m Daightty yoman John littest er Juni yoman John Barstowe off Brounysehirste yoman John Barstowe of
Wyf opon that oon p ar tie and John Ketull and Merget his Wif on that other p ar tie ben putte in the awarde Rondull of Brerton the Elder and John of dutton Of hatton of all man acciones
stonde to the [dome] ordynance & awarde of me s er John n of Stanley by the force of which bonde & assurance J the saide s er John deme & awarde that the p ar tyes afore-saide [and ychon
aper p er fitely be it knawne yat we Richarde Allwent Gentilman of Morton John Bery off Forsett yoman Thom a s lecch of Richmonde John Pereson of Romaldkirke & odyr diu er se report es & recordis for in-as-mych
e sayd John p er kyn or hys assygnors Also y e same John perkyn byndys hym selfe yff so be att y e place take ony hurtt thurgh hym or any off hys assygnors y e sayd John sall
e ton n side & John of stanley knyght on n þ e tother side beres witnes þ t þ e forsaid will i am has geue & g ra ntet to þ e forsaid John n þ e ward
dwelles next schepman wyffe maid afray of John Wesmerland we amercy hym xij d jt em we say y t John Rowthe maid a fray of Rob er t Schep er d & John his son we amercy hym iiij
ton halfe to y e kyrke warke & y e toya tear y e lord jt em John dawson maid afray of John belyngh a m y e mercyment iij c iiij d the ton half to the a tear
ix be-twene Cristofir off Berdesey on y e ta part and John of Rybtou n on y e toy er parte wittnas y t y e Forsayde Cristofir & John sall be bwn aythyr to othyr i n a oblygacou
trespassours william Asselby gap John of wod gap Nich ola us wright Johon Rose gap John Swayne gap Radulfus Coup er John Robinson gap will Bron Skynn er gap John Swayne John Sharp of Bernacastel gap John Couper gap Ric
. body . lawfully gettyn to t ur ne a-gayn to y e sayd John & to hys heire3 . And on yat y e forsayd John & Thom a s sall ayther releys till other in taile lyke as
Barlowe on of y e enquest y t passid betwene old sir John n of Assheton and old s ir John y e Biron y e queche John of Barlowe sais y t he & Dycon of heton & Ad
of yat ane p ar tie and John Todde Wryght Rob er t Todde of lanchestr & nicol hayforth of Duresme of that oþer p ar tie beres wyttenes yat ye forsaide John haues vndurtakyn for til make of newe