Your search found 17,510 results in 3 resources
plumer n. From plum(e n. A dealer in plumes or feathers. (1282) Let.Bk.Lond.A Gldh LetBk A 46 [John de Cestrehunte], plumer..[John de Cestrehunte], Fethermongere.
administror n. From administren . One who manages the estate of a deceased person. (1464) Paston 4.115 John Paston, or any other executor, administror, or feffe of the seid Sir John Fastolf.
galocher n. OF galochier A maker or seller of galoches . (1306) Will Court Hust. Gldh 1.181 John le Galocher.
mauncher n. ?From maunche . ?A maker of sleeves. (1305) Court R.Lond. 174 [John de Ware] mauncher.
baptistre n. OF (John) the Baptist. c1225 Wor.Bod.Gloss. Jun 121 25 (Iohannes): baptistre.
sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas , by mainprise of John Pakeman, John Ernesby, John Broun of Leycestershire and John Whytyng of Norhamptonshire, in favour of Simon Scaldeford chaplain and John de Kirkeby vicar of Roteby, at suit of Maud
John Southwode, Robert Saresson, John Hardgrave, John Meryweder, John Harlynge, John Wryght, Richard Barkere, John Webster, John Prentys, Hugh Scut, Thomas Curteys, John Northfolke, John Rery, John Berton, Thomas Brekles, Thomas Freresbaxster, Henry Disse, Henry Purchas 'barkere,' John Faireheved,
John Kyrkeby 'dyer,' Richard Walesby and William Toller of London to set free John Shelforde 'Walssheman,' if taken at suit of John Gace and Joan his wife against the said John Shelforde, John his brother and Richard 'brother of
in favour of John Mapelysden of London 'goldsmyth' at suit of Ralph Ryed citizen of London, Parnell his wife, Roger White, Thomas White, John Bryan the younger, Richard Rede, John Sheldewyche, John Staundoun, John Walter and John Clerke for trespass.
Kent. Like writ, mutatis mutandis , by mainprise of Robert Hawe, John Slapton, John Hawe and John Derby, in favour of John and William Ecarde. April 24. Westminster. John Wonford of Somerset to William Louedene chaplain, Richard Ewyas and Robert
Employment: provost of the collegiate church of St John, Beverley. Location: Beverley, St John (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Collegiate Church of St John the Evangalist, Beverley (ecclesia beati Johannis Beverl') : undefined Participant: John Waltham [de Waltham] Role: defendant Details: male Employment:
Participant: John Rollnethebince [Rollnethebince] Role: witness Details: male; 28; free Location: Beverley, St John (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Beverley (Beverlaco) : town Notes: Cannot identify surname 'Rollnethebince'. Participant: William Young [Yonge] Role: witness Details: male; 30; free Location: Beverley, St John (YorkshireEastRiding)
St John (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Tickton (Tykton) : township Participant: Robert Wragby [de Wrageby] Role: witness Details: male; 40; clerk Employment: vicar choral of the college of Beverley, St John Location: Beverley, St John (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Collegiate Church of St John
Details:2 Pieces; No deposition; No libel; No sentence Outcome: Date: 1396 — 1396 People & Places Participant: John Salter [Salter] Alternate name: John son of Henry Salter [Salter] Role: plaintiff Details: male Location: Stanhope (Durham) Place(s): Snape Gate (Snape) :
contract) Details:3 Pieces; Has deposition; Has libel; Has sentence Outcome: Date: 26/04/1335 — 1336 People & Places Participant: John son of John Role: plaintiff Details: male Location: North Dalton (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): North Dalton (Northedalton, Northdalton) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: Emma